Chapter 1: Pilot.

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16 September

"Felix! Have you got the eggs from the store already?" I yelled from the kitchen, but my eyes were still onto the creamy liquid in front of me as I continued to batter it. Work has been rough a few days into autumn but nonetheless, I was having so much fun doing my job that I couldn't care less of the tiresome that's coming my way at the end of the day.

What I know was that Kai would be around and all that tiredness would diminish instantly.

What was I doing? Well, everyone knows that I have a chocolate making company that was now a huge success after running so long in the industry. In addition to that, with all the store that has been all over the world and selling the sweetness like speeding bullets... I have come up with another idea in mind to open up a café as well. A chocolate café.

I knew that something like that would have many people not just buy the confection but in ways that they don't have to wait to eat - they can eat it here instead. Sure it was sort of a basic idea that has been around for a long time with other company like mine, but it was a good step for the business. To prove that point, the café has been opened for two months this year and customers have been piling in like it was a gold-digging mine.

Felix pops his head into the kitchen, searching for something in the kitchen. "It's on that table over there," He pointed to the table behind me and I took a look to the crate of eggs.

"Sorry I didn't tell you earlier, there's just too much-," When he tried to finish that sentence, a bell rings indicating a customer, and he slumped his shoulder. "And... there comes in another customer, gotta go!" He zoomed off, going back to the counter to serve the people coming in. I only grinned at the rushing vibe that was through the café. Things just were moving so fast.

Felix started worked for me when I offered him a spot to manage the café. Although it took a lot of time to really have him in the family, it was worth it. He had some trouble with his uncle's music shop that it had to be closed down due to unknown reason he added. I got very worried about how he would find a job afterwards since jobs nowadays are packed and to really have a spot, you really need to look very closely at every single job out there including the requirements.

Both of us are music dropouts and in the music industry, recognition is very much important to get you somewhere. Sure it would need hard work and patience but at times when we're now twenty-five years old... he needed to start looking for a permanent job that supports him entirely. That's why I offered him a job.

I know... I know... we can't just abandon things that we loved doing, and I agree with that. Music is also my passion, but I thought about it a lot and I found out that it still is my passion... but I'm not going to that route to get famous or any of those mambo jumbos because in the end... it doesn't feel like it's for the purpose of music to me.

I still play the guitar and I love it... but as a hobby that's for sure. Plus, we have a small stage at the corner of the café dedicated to any musicians out there who wanted to play. Sometimes Felix and I would play. It depends.

He has been on the ride of getting used to the atmosphere here. Usually, when he worked at the music store, customers weren't as many as we have right now. So, it had him working faster than what he has usually done, and it became a sort of racing competition between both of us to see who worked faster. But not too fast that we make mistakes along the way.

Once I have cracked the eggs and finished battering the liquid, I pour the mix into a square baking tray and pop it into the oven for 75 minutes. To fill the time waiting for the vanilla butterscotch cake to cook, I walk out of the kitchen to help Felix with the customers.

We have other workers as well, but they're reserved for the evening shift while we work in the mornings. That of which was Felix's idea which he said: "I have got to learn to wake up early man. Liara has been kicking my butt times and times because I ignored her calls in the morning. What was I supposed to do? Answered the call while I'm half awake? I couldn't even listen shit,"

Which worked out fantastically for him. He started waking up earlier and sometimes got to work earlier than me. "Woah, Woah, Woah. Slow down, let me help you," I said to the man as he tried bringing three plates of cakes to a table. I grabbed one of the plates and help him bring the cakes to the customer wanted. When we go back behind the counter, he whipped out a huge 'phew'.

"Man, I almost can never go to the gym again because of this. I can just get ripped from this!" He exclaimed, looking at the rows of tables filled with people drinking and eating confections. I bump his shoulder with my fist, smiling at the hard-working guy.

"With all these sweet things around, I couldn't agree you would get ripped if you kept swiping your finger into the icing mix," I laughed, wondering how many times had he did it.

He snorted. "It's not you won't do the same. You're the one making it,"

"But that just means I need to control myself more," I smirked, smiling proudly at myself that I had been able to hold myself back from tasting the mix. It's a big challenge. One where we both need to overcome. Just then, the bell to the entrance door rings again and as usual, we continue to work into the day.

While doing so, Felix just can't seem to wait for a free time to ask a question but even so, it was a nice thing to do so that work isn't so stressful. The company didn't need my help that much since everything is under control, so stress was mainly from the amount of customer we had. And that is just from one café shop.

"So... how're things with Kai? Are you guys doing anything for the evening?" He asked as he takes the order from a teenage girl who slips her phone number casually to the man. Which Felix accepted with a smile but immediately throw the small paper into the rubbish bin where the others go.

I glance at him as I started mixing drinks for the coming orders. Life with Kai has been joyful and full of surprises. I had not once but countless times, thought that I was just going to propose to him in front of him right there without any warnings or preparations. Even if I've not bought an engagement ring... I can just fold a tissue paper and make it into a ring to marry him. Because I would marry him no matter what rings it is. From paper rings to plastic rings... I couldn't care less.

"Yeah, we are. Things have been really great with Kai...," I let out, continuing to place a cake onto an empty plate.

"Are you sure? Because you sound so unsure," He chuckled then trailing off. "Is everything alright?" He continued. His body leans on the counter to look at me while I do my work. He was right though. I sounded very unsure with my answer myself. Why?

Well, mainly because Kai has been dozing off from our relationship more than I can count. He... just seems to not take interests in what we do, what I had planned together with him... what I prepared for him. It made me think that I had done something to make him that way. But what did I do? He wasn't upset or anything. He didn't look upset... he just looks so... tired.

"I don't know too, man. I mean, I just think that we are on the low now, but I think it's fine... relationship sometimes steer to the wrong direction," I smiled weakly, but my eyebrows scrunched together in a sad manner.

Felix went up to me and pat my shoulder. "It will be okay, Stan. Liara and I fight all the time, mostly on who loves who more. Weird...," He thought to himself, looking at nowhere with his face feeling confused about his relationship.

I chuckled at his thoughts. Maybe it'll get better soon for me and Kai. It needed a lot of patience and for that, I was going to do something with Kai that would make him less tired. I think he needed that. Plus, today was a special day. Long live to our love...

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Welcome to the first chapter! Starting the book with Stan! I hope you enjoyed reading it.

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