Chapter 14: "Twenty Stan" (II).

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"Today's your day off, right?" The young man asked, peering beside me as I tried to concentrate on watching the television which was showing my favourite series at eight in the morning. We sat on the couch in the living room, and he was sitting beside me like a dog - waiting for me to give him his treat. I swear I saw his tongue behaves like what dogs usually do.

All in all, it was true. I had my day off today. Not just any day off, we as workers are given numbers of days that we can have a layoff in a month... if we needed one. I usually don't use them a lot since, at the end of the year, it would be turned into cash and would go right into our bank account as bonus salary. Yet, this time, I thought I needed to use it not because of Stan... but because of my encounter with Hayes yesterday at work. 

I honestly don't want to see him right now, and I felt like I was starting to hate seeing him... not too much, though.

Breaking away from my thoughts, I glance at Stan with my brows furrowed. "How did you know that?" I asked, wondering how he even knows I had the day off from work.

He grinned, scooting closer to me and putting his hands on my thigh. "I saw your text with your dad saying you're taking one," He answered, then continue. "Oh! And I saw your text with my present self. I wanted to look at what we were talking about, but I resist since it's not fun like that... although I saw your text sounded something like 'it's urgent-,"

Before he could finish, I cut in. "You wanna go out?! C-come on, let's go out. I'm... gonna get ready," I rushed, apprehensive to what would happen if he finished that sentence.

"Yeah?! Where we're going?" Intrigued, he comes to forget about what he said. Phew... that was so close...

"Anywhere... just anywhere you want," 

"Fuck yes! I'm gonna go get dressed quick!! Don't leave without me!" He said, getting off from the couch and sprinting away to the bedroom. 

Of course, I'm not going to leave you. Why would I even ask you if you want to go out? At the same time... I found out that twenty-year-old Stan is also the same needy lover that he is. He has always been so. I reflected on that, and he had been clingy, but he was being so all the time.

Yet, I didn't notice any of that before.

About twenty minutes later, Stan came out from the bedroom wearing the clothes that his seventeen self chose a few days ago. Besides the slight difference in height and also the size of his body, he fits the clothes well. Thank god I reminded his seventeen self to choose something a slight tad bigger. 

I scanned him up and down and my mouth gape a little from seeing him in a full casual outfit. He wore an army green shirt, with a black jacket over it. It was a nice colour scheme. One that made him looked like those college students who would cause any type of trouble but would get away with it instantly. Can't deny, though... the man was pretty sneaky himself.

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