Chapter 16: "Twenty Stan" (IV).

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Two days passed, and I started to get comfortable living with twenty-year-old Stan. It wasn't that much troublesome, to be honest. The only thing that would make me feel irked with constant blushes was that he was extremely more flirtatious than his younger self. I thought that it was just his attitude or personality, but it's not.

And it was making me crazy when he starts kissing me here and there from my hand to my ear except for my lips.

I knew what he was doing.

He was trying to make me submit towards his kisses.

"Are you seriously... trying to make me kiss you back?" I gritted through my teeth, sitting on my wheeled chair in front of my desk as I try to focus on doing my work while he kept pampering me little pecks all over me.

The young man grinned at me, making himself looked naive as ever. "Yep. Is it obvious?" He asked, going away to sit on the couch where his seventeen self and I slept before. It felt like yesterday that he was seventeen, and now he's twenty. I kind of missed Seventeen Stan.

"Yes... it is. You do know that giving countless pecks is a dead giveaway, right?" I stare at him, moving away from my desk and stand up to get to the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" He stands up as well, following me like a stray and faithful dog... or cat. I don't know... why am I even comparing him to an animal?

I brush him off with a wave, trying to let him not following me everywhere I go. "I'm just going to the kitchen to make something to eat. I'm not going anywhere outside today," I answered, getting inside the white themed kitchen with the sun shining through the windows beautifully.

Stan groaned, walking in as well and continue to sit on the stool behind the counter table. "Then what's even the point of you taking a day off? We're supposed to go out! The weather looks so nice...," He cooed, holding up his face with a hand as he gazes towards the outside view of the window. I snorted with amusement. "It's not like every day I take a day off that I need to get out. I need a rest at home as well, duh...," I returned, taking out uncooked slices of chicken from the fridge. 

I took a day off again for today, but I promised my dad that I was working from home to make up those two days. It was again... because of what happened yesterday at the bowling centre. I had to take the road to not look at Hayes's face regardless if he comes or not to work today because if I ever... I wouldn't even know what to do.

Dad asked me so many times why I was acting the way I did - which was taking days off when before this I hardly even try to have one.

"Are you are about this? I don't really understand why so suddenly that you've taken a day off again...,"

"Yeah... something came up at home," I replied. He then looks at me deeply, trying to understand what was on my mind. "Did you two get back again?"

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