Chapter 19: "Twenty-Two Stan" (I).

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"Just what exactly happens?" Amber asked as she follows me through the crowd of people in the hospital. I told her to just go back home after she sent me here, but she was being meddlesome to why I came here and insisted that she came along. Me, being the worse colleague ever, I didn't answer her question and make my way towards the counter where a nurse sat there with her eyes glued to the monitor screen.

When we got to the hospital, I ran as fast as I could towards the entrance door regardless of where Amber parked her car. In my mind, all I could think of was I needed to see Stan and needed to know if he was okay. I can't risk him being this way if I didn't know the current situation of his present self. So when I arrived at the counter, I asked the nurse immediately about Stan.

"Hello, um, is there a Stan Malik?" The nurse turns to me with the slowest turn she could ever give, and I almost burst out of anger for when she was being that way. Aren't these people supposed to work fast?

"Stan... Malik... oh yeah. He's in level three, room 113," The nurse replied, and as soon as I heard enough information. I went to sprint off to the specific room with Amber following me behind. "Sir! I need to know your relationship with the-," Before I even heard the full sentence from the same nurse, I had entered the lift with Amber beside me and pressed the button to the third floor. 

My feet were shuffling by itself and my fingers were fiddling with each other that I hadn't realized that I was doing so. I wasn't realizing it, but my whole my body was shaken up by this sudden turn of events, and now I understand why Amber wanted to follow me. Because she was holding me by the shoulder and stare at me as if I was the one with the disease.

"Are you okay? I don't know what happened, but I hope you can tell me. If it helps then I'll be here waiting," She spoke, letting me know that she was going to be by my side when things didn't go the way that I wanted.

I look at her with a nod, taking deep breaths at that moment. "My... I don't know what I'm supposed to label him anymore," I chuckled sadly, covering my face by how stupid this was. "-but he got into a small accident when he was on his way to pick me up... and I'm worried shit about him. Even when it's been told that it was a minor scratch...,"

Amber wrapped her arms around me. The warm feeling of it made me calm down in a way I felt that someone cared. I hug her back - feeling the need to feel something that was reassuring and one that would make the worry go away partially and temporarily. 

Just as the lift arrived at the third floor, we went out, and I rushed straight ahead to find room 113. That was when I saw some nurse and doctors bringing out a patient from a room and my mind immediately pictures the patient as Stan which I then slap it out of my head - Stan wasn't going to be like that. It wasn't that bad of an accident. So why was I acting like a drama queen?

In the search of the room like I was a mouse in a maze, I finally found my out when I reach the room that plastered the number '113' so clear in front of me that it became really hard for me to concentrate. I glance towards Amber, and she nudges to go in, while she stays outside.

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