chapter ten

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Evan sat on the other side of the glass, watching the three work on Delirious.

"Evan, who the hell is this?" Lui asked, pushing morphine into the man's IV.

He sighed, rubbing his face. "Well I told you about the Kyper gang and whatnot. I just didn't tell you how I knew about it."

"Okay, what does he have to do with that?"

"His name is Delirious, and he gave me the information on them."

Lui paused his work, glancing up at Evan. He stared the older man down, with confusion. "You're telling me, that this is Delirious?"

Evan winced at the others tone. "Assuming you already know about him."

"Yeah, you could say that." Lui laughed dryly. "Not like he's the best assassin in Los Santos. Oh wait- I meant the country! Nevermind the fact that he works for the Kyper, a gang that severely out numbers us."


"Why would you lie about something like this?" A look of hurt, crossed his features.

Evan felt awful for not telling them, but had to stick by his decision.

Brock came back with his suture kit, pulling Lui's attention from Evan. The three continued what their work, moving rather quickly.

Evan sighed in defeat. "I'm sorry. But I did what I thought was best for us. I didn't have enough information. I needed to be sure I could trust him."

Lui frowned, yet nodded his head. As if Evan couldn't feel worse about the situation.

"Why're we helping him if he's with the Kyper?" David asked, steadily pulling the old stitches from their place.

"Well, right now, we're returning the favor. He's been helping us."

He hadn't planned to tell them about Delirious just yet, but under the circumstances, he didn't have much of an option.

"Lui, can you pack those two cuts for me, while I work on these? Giving him blood doesn't do much good if he's still bleeding." Brock mumbled, assisting David.

"Okay anyway, he's helping us? How's that?" David continued.

"Well they want us dead, and sent him to execute their plan. But he wouldn't do it. He didn't give us up..." Evan explained with slight admiration.

David frowned. "And you're sure he won't do it later? When he has all of our trust?"

"Well you're fixing the proof that he wouldn't, right now."

"Wait you're telling me someone did this to him, because he wouldn't give us up?" Lui asked in disbelief.

Evan nodded solemnly. "I trust him."

"Well shit, the man's got my vote." David sighed getting back to work.

"Brock, they're clean and ready to be stitched, but this isn't going to hold those wounds together." David said, holding up the dainty thread.

Brock nodded, rushing off to get the heavier one. "Alright let's stitch him up."

About thirty minutes later, the three had finished the job, and left the man to rest. Because he wasn't given any anesthetics, he would wake any moment.

Tyler, Brian, and Marcel made their way back into the room.

"How is he?" Tyler asked.

"He'll be fine. It'll take a few days for the infection to run it's course, but they're cleaned and stitched properly. The heavier thread will allow for full movement with little irritation." Brock explained, removing his gloves.

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