chapter fourteen

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As he laid the last note page in its place, he couldn't help the yawn that escaped him. Evan was exhausted to say the least, and Tyler had fallen asleep an hour ago, curled up in the bay window behind him.

He shook the man awake, letting him know he'd finished. Tyler grumbled in response, but didn't move an inch.

Ryan entered the room, not bothering to knock, pulling Craig and Scotty behind him. "Hey Ev. We're finished. I sent copies to the printer, and emailed the files to you so you can print more if you need."

With a sigh of relief, Evan smiled at them. "Thank you guys, so much."

Ryan set his laptop on the shelf, then ushered the other two out the door.

"One more thing!" Evan called.

Scotty whined, yet turned around. "What?"

"So they had cameras, right? You could see everything?"

Scotty glanced at Ryan, giving him a look that said 'are you kidding me?'

Craig stifled a laugh, "Ev, what do you think we've been doing this whole time?"

"Right, right. I'm sorry. My brain feels like it's fried right now." He laughed. "But you could see everything, yeah? It's important for our mission."

"Oh I'm gonna-"

"Yes! Evan we could. Honey just look at the pictures, okay?" Craig said, cutting Scotty off.

Tyler was giggling behind them, Evan oblivious to what was actually going on.

"I'll get right on that. The day is yours until I let you know anything further. Thanks boys." Evan smiled, waving them out the door.

With a sigh of relief, Scotty raced out the door, to go back to bed with Marcel, who gladly accepted the warmth.

Ryan waved too, mumbling about needing more sleep. He left, returning back to his room, only to hear Luke still snoring.

He groaned, knowing he'd have to get Luke to stop so he could get some rest. By this point, Ryan was beyond tired, and thought he'd cry if he didn't do something about it. Grabbing a pillow, he hit Luke with it, somewhat softly.

Luke shot up out of the bed, panic written all over his features. "Wha- What's wrong?"

Ryan laughed, dropping the pillow.

"Bun, what the hell?" Luke grumbled, sitting back down on the bed.

"You have to go. I need to sleep, and I cannot with you snoring like that." He explained.

Luke was concerned by this. "Bunny, what're you talking about? Did you not sleep last night?"

Ryan shook his head. "I've been awake since four. Can you just go to the couch or something? I just need some more sleep."

Luke smiled, nodding. "Yeah, I'll go. I'm sorry bunny."

He grabbed his pillow, kissed Ryan's forehead, then left the room.

"I love you." He said before closing the door.

"I love you too."

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