chapter four

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"Who are you?"


"What is your mission?"

"To gather information on the BBS Gang."


"I am to leave no trail. No witnesses. And if given the chance, I kill them all."

"Very good." His shoes disappeared from my view of the floor.

"Get him what he needs."

A guard comes over a minute later, holding the blue handled knife, and my mask. "Here." He smirked. "Don't try anything funny."

I looked up, meeting my boss' gaze, which held pure amusement.

I took the items, slipping my mask over my face, and shoving the knife into my boot. Then I left the building without another word.

'This will be easy.'

• Evan •

Tyler and Brock had left Evan sitting alone on the roof. He didn't want to go back inside just yet. Teddy was taken care of and currently waiting for Evan to come to bed, so she could sleep peacefully.

But Evan wouldn't be returning to bed anytime soon.

A shuffling sound was heard from behind him in the silence of the night. He was on his feet in seconds, gun drawn, aimed at a masked figure.

"I suggest you think carefully about your next move." Evan stated calmly.

"Easy trigger." The man held his knife into the air, along with his other hand. "I do suggest you drop the gun though."

"Considering you've invaded my home, I think I'll keep it on you."

"You're funny, thinking a bullet will reach me before I'm able slit your throat." The man's eyes lit up in amusement, while he giggled.

Evan flexed, trying to release the tension building in his muscles. Anxiety washed over him. He wanted to shoot the man to get it over with.

"Vanoss," Evan froze at the mention of his name. "Just listen to me, I'm not here to hurt you." The man's cold words rang through his ears, and it sent shivers down his spine.

"Who the fuck are you?" Evan spat at the man.

"I'm Delirious."  He stepped closer to Evan, who had yet to falter. "Now, drop the gun."

Evan gave up. Taking a deep breath, he put the gun back into his holster, and went back over to his chair. He didn't look back at the man, half expecting a knife to be held to his neck at any moment.

"If you're going to kill me, get it over with." He said, voice hollow.

Evan hadn't feared death in a long time. After considering it for himself so many times, it was nothing new. He was ready. And if this was it, he at least wanted it to be quick.

Delirious said nothing, but walked over, and sat in the blue chair next to Evan's. He tensed, growing irritated with this man, thinking he could make himself comfortable anywhere.

They sat like that for a few minutes, neither of them talking. But the anxiety within Evan faded, and he was calm again.

"If you are going to, at least tell my family I didn't do it to myself." Evan mumbled.

The man scoffed at Evans words. "Why the fuck are you giving up so easily?"

Evan laughed dryly. "Because I don't care anymore. I might as well have died a while ago..."

This caused the masked man to pause. He hadn't been aware that the other would accept death so easily. Nor did he stop to think Evan was still hurting this much.

He pushed aside his feelings, continuing his message. "I already said I wasn't going to kill you. And I'm not. I'm here to warn you."

Evan looked at him now, eyebrows raised, and interested.

"The people I work for sent me to kill you. Your entire gang. I feel you should know, they won't stop until they get what they want." And at that, Evan was pissed.

His only purpose here was to protect his family, and he'd be damned if he would go down without a fight.

"You won't go anywhere near th-"

"Shut the hell up. I already said I wasn't here to do that." He spat, irritated. "I need you to listen to me. You have to lay low. No missions, robberies, none of it. Stay off the grid."

Evan hesitated. How was he to trust a man he had met mere seconds ago. Who had threatened him with a knife.

Had he known being the leader would come with this many life endangering decisions, he would've never agreed.

"I don't know who you are. Why the hell should I trust you?"

The man laughed, taking Evan by surprise. "Well you're not dead for one."

Evan scoffed, rolling his eyes. "That still doesn't prove anything."

"Look I'm trying to do the right thing here, and help you out. You want to keep them safe, listen to me. I'll be in touch soon." The man stated, and started towards the edge of the roof.

Evan stood, following him halfway, anger seeping into his features. "You're leaving? And I'm just supposed my family's life in your hands without any other information about what's threatening us?"

"Oh Evan-" The man giggled. "I'm your biggest threat." And with that, he jumped off the edge of the building.

• Delirious •

The masked man hid in the shadows, running to get to the building. Despite how badly he wanted to run back to his home and tell Evan everything was okay now, he couldn't. Not if he wanted to keep them alive.

He was so angry now. Pure rage glistened in his eyes. Angry with Ryder, that he was sent on this mission, that he had to lie to Evan. Angry that he couldn't protect him, and he was still in pain over his 'death'. Angry that he hadn't just died that day, so they wouldn't be in this position now.

"See anything?" A masked man yelled.

"Yeah I found him, he's still alive too! Man, the boss will happy about this!" His partner yelled back.

Jonathan was awake, but felt only the pain screaming in his legs and his head.

'Why am I alive?'

His saving grace being the two bags filled with money, Evan had pushed off of him earlier. They cradled his head and his back, but not his legs. One was a bit of a mess, and the other not as bad. Not anything that wasn't fixable.

Jonathan didn't move, and the guys talking walked closer to him.

'This is it.'

But the two men picked him up by his broken legs, and his arms carrying him to their next destination.

Jonathan screamed from the excruciating pain. But shortly passed out after.

The men carried him and threw him into the back of a truck, and they drove away, to Jonathan's new home.

And that's where he has been ever since. Trapped, tortured, tired, and alone.

Edited : 03•30•22

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