chapter seventeen

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Delirious and the others raced to escape the gun fire.

"Vanoss, can we get some help?" He asked, attempting to provide cover fire for his men working on the doors.

"Basically, fire three, twelve o'clock!" Vanoss shouted.

Basically peered through the sight, taking down three men, lodging bullets into their kneecaps.

Meanwhile, Delirious was focused on recovering his teammates that had been injured. He quickly raced to each one, carefully dragging them to safety behind the concrete barriers he'd been hiding behind.

Finally he'd had enough. Delirious marched over to the doors, slamming his foot straight into it, breaking down the barricade on the other side. Horror washed over Ryder's face, as he realized there would be no stopping the masked man.

With fury burning through his entire being, Delirious shot at whoever he could see. He took down a few, disabling them with a bullet to the knee. Once his team had made their way inside, he booked it straight for Ryder's office.

He threw the door open, barreling into the room. He swiflty kicked Ryder's previously injured knee, bringing the man to the ground. He grabbed his hair, dragging him outside.

Delirious huffed angrily. "Vanoss we need you to push in. We're coming back outside."

"Got it." He confirmed. "Toonz, move to position one. Basically, move to one. Lui, get to Moo and Nogla. You three take cover on the North side."

The three men changed positions quickly, knowing the fight was spreading much faster than expected.

"Vanoss! This isn't enough! We need more help down here!" Wildcat shouted, ducking behind the road block.

He and Vanoss were taking heavy fire, as most of Delirious' team were busy inside or near the building. However, most of Ryders team had fanned out, firing in all directions, at them.

"You're right, this is too much." Vanoss grunted. "Terroriser, get Toonz back to the ground then park the chopper. Make sure Froozer is safe then come to us!"

"Copy!" Terroriser responded.

"We've gotta tighten this perimeter." Vanoss told Wildcat.

The two carefully made their way around the barriers, to the few directly in front of them, pushing the perimeter in slightly.

"Vanoss we're here!" Cartoonz called out.

"Good, take Nogla and form a perimeter on the West. Terroriser, you're on the East, close to Moo's position." He ordered.

The three men raced to their positions, setting the new perimeter into place. The possibility of anyone getting outside of it, was little to none.

Soon after, they watched as Delirious dragged Ryder out of the building, throwing him roughly to the ground.

A few of his men had ceased fire, seeing as he was injured. However, many along the perimeter continued firing at the BBS team.

"Nogla, three o'clock!" Terroriser called out.

Except Nogla had been focused on another man, and wasn't prepared for the one moving quickly towards him on his right. Fear seized his body for a moment, and he accepted the fate. Yet as he peered towards his right, he saw the man fall to the ground, lifeless.

Nogla heard Basically's voice on the speaker. "I gotcha buddy."

Nogla sighed a breath of relief, before continuing on his task at hand.

"You fucking coward." Ryder spat at Delirious, blood dribbling down his chin.

"You fucking coward-" Delirious mocked. "Bite me."

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