chapter two

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they don't have their nick names yet so:
E - Evan
J - Jonathan
T - Tyler
C - Craig
B - Brock
H - Brian (Hanby)
D - David
L - Lui
P - Luke (Patterson)
R - Ryan
S - Scotty
M - Marcel

I willed myself to stay awake for as long as possible. I didn't want to relive his death tonight. I wanted one night of peace. How cliché that I relive the same nightmare over and over.

It's draining, knowing that I have to wake up without him, and I see his death at night. Mentally, it's a lot...

I'd like to think it's my subconscious telling me I'm guilty, and I'm the reason for his death. Which I believe anyways. But this must be my punishment for it all.

"B! Is the chopper ready? We have to move now!" I shouted into my mic.

"Yeah, yeah me, H, and C are here. Clear to come up. D, L, and P are all down on the ground, already headed back to base." He shouted over the roar of the helicopter blades.

"That means we have no ground cover!" I yelled to Brock. "J, T, move! We have to go!" I urged them on.

I watched as Tyler and Jonathan hauled two duffle bags over each shoulder and began climbing up the ladder. I followed suit, climbing closely behind them.

Halfway up the ladder, gun shots sound out from the left. Someone had found us on the back side of the building.

"T, you've gotta go faster!" Jonathan shouted as loud as he could.

Tyler seemed to speed up the ladder, but I wasn't sure if we would be fast enough.

More gunshots were heard, and Tyler had just thrown the first bag over the ledge, climbing up and over.

Jonathan paused, and fell three rungs into me.

"J! What's wrong?" I grabbed his leg, holding him up as best I could.

"Shit! My arm. Evan, I can't-" He was cut short.

He was thrown backwards, halfway off the ladder, if not for his right arm being looped through the rung. He was shot two more times, but I couldn't tell where exactly. I pushed him onto the ladder again, trying to climb up, and shield him anymore bullets.

I felt a searing pain, in my calf and shoulder on the left side, meaning a bullet had landed there. My adrenaline quickly pushed the pain away.

"Jon, I need you to keep climbing." I urged, pushing up. "C'mon just a little further."

He took two steps higher, before slipping and falling further down.

"J!" I reached out grabbing onto the bags, and holding him up by the straps. I tried pulling him up, but failed.

"Grab the ladder! Grab it then drop the bags, it'll make it easier." He looked up hazily at me.

"Jon, please." I begged. "Please!"

I was doing everything in my power to hold those bags. I used every ounce of my strength, and will, to lift him up two rungs to meet me.

I groaned through the pain, as I pulled his weight towards me. He cried out as the bags rubbed against his arms and shoulders. He reached the rung below me, and was barely able to hang onto it. I tore the bags off of him, throwing them back down the ground where we had been.

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