chapter five

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Jonathan was seething with anger by the time he made it back to his base.

"Stop right there!" One of the guards at the door shouted.

"Shut the hell up." Jonathan grumbled in response, shoving past him and through the doors.

The farther he walked Inter he building, the angrier he was. Jonathan could hear Delirious taunting him, begging him to let go. And as badly as he wanted to, he knew better. Jonathan would be punished severely for hurting someone here. Honestly, it wasn't worth it tonight.

He took a few deep breaths upon arriving to his room, attempting to calm down. He changed out of the clothes he had on, into an old, worn out, blood stained T-shirt. A guard would be here to get him shortly, and he could only pray Ryder would have mercy on him. Just in case though, he didn't want to ruin a good shirt.

He grit his teeth, as someone knocked on the door. Owen smiled sympathetically at him, as he opened the door. He was here to take Jonathan into that awful training room.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

Jon nodded, clenching his jaw, and swallowing the lump in his throat.

That 'training' room, isn't how it's used. More like conditioning to make Jonathan into a weapon.

Countless times he had been beaten and tortured. If he didn't listen, if he cried, or wasn't able to complete missions. Nothing would ever be good enough for Ryder. He's suffered eveything from concussions to internal bleeding. He realized the only way to make the boss ease up, was to listen and do as he was asked.

Jonathan was terrified of losing himself though. The more he did these things, the easier it became. He no longer bat an eye as he sliced someone's throat. He did what he was told without hesitation. He felt like a monster.

And he tried to justify his actions, by telling himself he was doing what he could to survive and get home.

"I will ask again." Ryder said wrapping his knuckles in a cloth. "Who are you?"

"I know you are a bitch." Jonathan sneered, blood dribbling down his chin. He couldn't let him win.

The man walked up, kicking his rib cage, throwing him to the ground. Jonathan choked on the blood coming up from his lungs, and he lay there, gasping for air. Tears filled his eyes, and the pain radiating through his body was excruciating.

Jon knew he wouldn't survive much longer this way. But he would be damned if he didn't get home to Evan. So he would do what they wanted, whether he lost part of himself or not.

As Jon entered the room, the smell of blood and bleach was overwhelming. He sucked in a shaky breath, and sat in the center of the room on his knees.

Anxiety washed over him, once the door opened. He kept his eyes towards the floor, as Ryder's footsteps got closer.


Jonathan stayed silent a moment too long, receiving a slap to the face.

"Delirious, report!" He shouted.

"I went to Mackey's base, told me he didn't know anything about BBS. Hasn't heard anything from them in months. I asked who else would, he told me Zachary might. But by the time I finished Mackey and his goons, I needed to return here."

Ryder groaned loudly, obviously angry with him. "You're fucking with me, right?"

"No sir." Jon mumbled.

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