chapter seven

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Staring out the window in his office, Evan carefully studied the detail of each leaf moving in the trees, or the ridges of each dark and ominous cloud that covered the sky. He was thankful for the thoughts in his brain to have slowed for a moment.

He had been so lost in his staring contest with the clouds, he never heard the three men walk into the room.

Brian cleared his throat, catching Evan's attention. "Hey dude."

He jumped a bit. "Oh, hey guys." He spun in a circle, rubbing his face, attempting to pull himself together and collect his thoughts.

"Alright bub, we're here. What's the plan?"

Evan pursed his lips, not having much of an answer. Never had he not had a plan. Of course he had bits and pieces of ideas, or possible solutions, but not a full plan. This was new to him, and ultimately defeating.

"Well, I don't uh- I don't have one." He mumbled.

Marcel and Brian exchanged a worried glance, which didn't go unnoticed by Evan. A frown creeped into his stoic features, so Tyler decided to get the ball rolling.

"Well that's why we're here right?" Tyler nodded at the other two. "We'll help you out Ev. You're not alone in this."

Evan sent Tyler a small smile, grateful for his best friend.

"Alright, let's start with the basics, I guess." Evan started, gathering a few papers on his desk. "Our house is secure, thanks to our three geniuses. I still say we have them run a full checkup."

"Don't we have those old private servers? I'm sure the boys could update those, move everything important to 'em? Then we're off the grid." Brian suggests.

"Yeah, good idea." Evan mumbles, scribbling onto a notepad. "I also need you all to have your weapon of choice, cleaned and ready for use. Just in case."

"Okay now that we have that figured out, what do we tell the others?" Marcel sighed. "Because they aren't going to be too thrilled about all of this."

Brian shrugs, looking for either Tyler or Evan to answer.

"I think we should just be straightforward." Evan started. "Telling them now will be better than later, and there's no point in beating around the bush. We've done enough crazy shit to last a life time, they've had their chance to be worried about it."

Tyler frowned. "You might be right about that, but I'm more worried about Ryan, Craig, and Scooter."

Marcel clicked his tongue. "Well we don't really have another option. We can't just not tell them."

Evan shrugged, as they didn't have much of a choice.

"Well, what if we don't tell anyone about Delirious?" Tyler suggested hesitantly, making Brian roll his eyes. "Brian don't give me that look. Evan said so himself that he didn't have much info from the guy. Why don't we just tell them about the Kyper gang for now?"

Evan glanced at the other two, thinking this could actually work, but wanting to know what the other two had to say.

"You know, that not a terrible idea." Marcel agreed. "Just until we can get this Delirious guy sorted out."

"Brian?" Evan looked at the other expectantly.

"What they don't know, I guess can't hurt them."

Evan took that as his agreement, and smiled. "Great. Then this is a good start for now, I think."

The three nodded, and Brian spoke up. "So did this Delirious guy say when he would contact you again?"

Evan sighed, suddenly remembering he had no idea if the other would show again. "No. But I don't have much choice other than to wait for him."

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