chapter eight

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The basement was silent as the five men worked. Wanting to get this done as quickly as possible, no one bothered to speak as they counted weapons and what needed to be restocked.

Ryan, Craig, and Scotty raced down the stairs after a few hours, letting Evan know they had finished with rebooting the old systems, and rerouting their info.

Evan smiled, relief flooding him for a moment. "Great work, thank you guys. Do me a favor and go help the other three finish up in the med bay, yeah?"

They nodded, Craig and Scotty glancing at each other before laughing and taking off up the stairs. Ryan whined, as he didn't know they were racing.

"Bun, just go after 'em!" Luke laughed at the pouting Ryan.

He groaned, stomping up the stairs. The others laughed, making Evan smile. He was glad they could find light even in a seemingly dark situation. These boys were the strongest he knew.

"Okay Ev. Everything has been separated and counted. This is how many we have and this is what we need of each. Grenades, flash bangs, stuns, and whatever else." Luke sighed dropping the note pad with the others.

"Okay, thank you. Now head to your wall and start cleaning." Luke huffed, obviously not wanting to clean every one of them. "And clean someone else's rack too please."

"Bet you regret buying so many now huh?" Marcel snorted.

Luke stuck his tongue out at the other. But he sat down, starting with his largest gun, and got to work quickly. His ranged from grenade launchers to .380's. And yes, looking at his wall, he did regret buying most of them. As he did every month when he had to clean them.

He would also clean Ryan's rack as well, the younger only having a few handguns. Luke typically took the task of cleaning them, as they were rarely ever used, and Ryan didn't know how to truly clean them.

Ryan certainly wasn't one who wanted to shoot anybody for any reason. But of course, he had a few just for emergencies. He much preferred to stay behind the screen. Similar to Ryan, Lui didn't have many, so he decided he would clean his as well.

Marcel and Scotty were the same way. He decided to start with Scott's, as he only has two pistols, and a rifle. While Luke and Evan held the highest count, Marcel had his fair share too. Besides he let Scotty use anything from his rack if he wanted. He also decided to clean David's, as they had many of the same, which were simple to clean and handle.

Brian didn't give a damn about how many guns sat racked in his section. He was very specific and picky with the weapons he chose to use. Everyone of them had been tested on a firing range before he decided whether he kept it, handed it off to Brock, or sell it outright. Each had to handle well, be easy to clean, with minimal recoil, but have a shit ton of firing power behind it. He would clean Brock's rack as well, as he had a few of his own, but most were Brian's rejects that he liked.

Tyler cleaned his and Craig's. Tyler had about as many as Evan and Luke, and Craig has two pistols. Much like Ryan, he would rather be behind the scenes of the operation.

As Tyler was lost in the sounds of their cleaning, his mind couldn't help but wander to Craig as he cleaned. The younger had been his best friend for years. The two did everything together. Of course, he and Evan had a special bond, but his and Craig's was different. Tyler was in love.

And who could blame him. His best friend had such a kind and caring personality. He's so full of life and energy, and Tyler couldn't help but he drawn to the other. It's true when they say opposites attract, although Tyler tried to be on his best behavior around Craig.

Craig didn't mind the others messiness, bursts of anger, or vulgar language. He saw past that, to the sweet and loving personality that made Tyler. And Craig would be lying if he said he hadn't fallen for the goof too.

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