chapter twenty two

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• One year later •

"So do you think it's a good one or no? I thought blue would definitely make him happy." Evan laughed nervously as he showed Tyler the ring.

"Bub, he's gonna love it. What're you even worried for?"

Evan sighed, rubbing his face. "I want it to be perfect. Jon deserves that, ya know?"

"I know what you mean, but I think just having you is good enough for him." Tyler laughed, looking at his own ring. A small silver band, that had a partner, which was worn on Craig's finger.

Craig and Tyler had gotten married almost three months before. The ceremony was nice, simple and small. Tyler didn't have any family, but Craig's mom was more than excited to welcome him into hers, finally.

Luke and Ryan also got married, two months after Jon had gotten back. Their's was small, and it only involved their true family. Luke's biological family, refused the invitation, which he knew would happen. Ryan was an only child, and his mom was MIA since he was sixteen. But they were happy. That was all that mattered for them.

But to say the least, Evan was scared to death. He's not worried about Jon saying no, just the idea of losing him before he gets the chance to finally make it official. He doesn't know why he's waited so long in the first place. But either way it was happening tonight. He wouldn't wait any longer.

"Yeah, but he's getting a ring. Whether he wants it or not." Evan laughed.

Tyler nodded, helping Evan finish setting the roof up. He had blankets, pillows, a few snacks, and Teddy's bed all set. And the ring was hidden under his blanket, for later on.

"Nothing else?" Tyler asked.

"No, no, this is perfect Ty, thank you." He said hugging him.

Tyler returned it, then they both headed inside to make dinner, and watch movies with the guys.

After the fourth MARVEL movie in a row, most of the guys were passed out along the couches and the floor. Jon and Evan were both awake, as were Craig and Marcel.

"Okay, I don't think I can make it through another one." Craig said laughing, and pushing Tyler gently.

"Babe, we're going to bed, c'mon." He giggled as Tyler groaned.

Marcel agreed, yawning. He lifted Scotty up, said goodnight, and went upstairs.

Jon stood and pushed on the rest of the guys, telling them to go to bed, knowing they'd be cranky in the morning if they let them sleep there.

Evan watched, laughing at them groaning and stumbling up stairs.

"Okay that's the last of em." Jon giggled. "You ready for bed?"

Evan felt his face heat up, and his gut twist. "Uh- well not just yet. You want to go to the roof with me for a while?"

"Mhm, I will." Jon said smiling. "But only for a bit, it's getting colder outside." He complained, as Evan pulled him up the stairs.

Teddy followed behind them, opening the doors for them, making Jon smile. It was her favorite thing to do.

"You already had the blankets up here? Life saver." Jon said, kissing Evan's cheek before sitting down in his chair.

"Sugar, there's some snacks down there too, if you want any." Evan said nervously.

Jon gave him a lopsided grin. "You okay Evy?"

Evan nodded quickly, rubbing his palms against his knees. "Yeah, yeah. All good."

Jon nodded, not believing him, but left it alone for now.

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