chapter eighteen

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Once they'd arrived back at base, Lui raced into the medical bay for a gurney. He was hoping David would arrive soon, so he could have another set of hands.

When he was ready to move the gurney, the door burst open, with Brian carrying an exhausted looking Brock. David raced into the room a few seconds behind them.

Brian hoisted the injured man onto the bed, before taking a few steps away from the others.

"Hey Brock. How ya doin'?" Lui asked, throwing a fresh pair of scrubs over his head.

Brock lazily looked around the room, clearly out of it. "Hurts a little-"

"I know it does buddy. We'll get you taken care of though, yeah?" Lui said, smiling softly at his friend.

The dazed man attempted to smile, but it faltered as his head lolled to the side. It was obvious he'd lost quite a bit of blood, as the bullet had gone completely through his shoulder.

"Hey." Lui said, snapping his fingers to get Brock's attention. "I need you to follow my finger."

Brock attempted to do so, but his eyes were dilated, and he couldn't maintain his focus for long.

"Okay, exactly what I thought. David we need a unit of O Neg, and we've gotta stop the bleeding." Lui directed, as he sedated Brock.

David made his way to the two, a pint of blood ready to go. He applied pressure to the wound as Lui gathered what he needed.

All the while, Brian was a blubbering mess, pacing by the door. The medics were becoming distracted by the man, as his cries became louder.

"Brian, honey, he's going to be okay. But I can't have you distracting us, yeah?" Lui said softly to the hysteric man.

He pressed the call button in the room. "Marcel, I need you to come get Brian please."

A while later, Marcel and Scotty both arrived, gently coaxing Brian to leave the room. He protested for only a moment before allowing the other two to pull him away.

"Okay, let's get to work." Lui said, nodding at David.


Ryan had shut down his work, and made his way to the living room. He was a bundle of nerves, after Brock was shot and Evan was attacked. He wanted to ensure everyone was okay.

"Hey Ry." Craig mumbled, clearly exhausted.

With a watery smile, he hugged Craig tightly.

"We're okay, bun. I promise." He whispered.

Ryan nodded pulling away. He felt relief as he watched a few others walk through the door. Behind them, he saw Luke, a bright smile on his face once he noticed Ryan.

"Hey baby."

Ryan threw himself into Luke's arms, holding onto the older man as though his life depended on it. He was thankful to see his other half.

Ryan pulled away from Luke, running his hands over the others arms. Luke hissed, pulling his arm away from Ryan.

"Careful bunny." He pouted, looking at his injured arm.

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