chapter sixteen

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He grips the small piece of paper tightly, staring at the numbers scrawled across it. Fidgeting with the ear piece in his other hand, he takes a few deep breaths to ease his nerves.

From the doorway, Owen clears his throat catching Jonathan's attention. In his hand lay the satellite phone he needed to make the call.

"Everyone has everything they need, yeah?" Evan shouts above the noise of the team shuffling around the halls.

"Oh shit!" Brian yelled. "Scotty, did I fill the chopper's tank?"

Evan glances at Scotty for the repsonse, who only shrugs.

"Brian, so help me I will-"

Laughter from the team cuts his threat short.

"Relax Ev, we're just fuckin' wit ya!" Brian says, clapping the leader on the back, who couldn't help but laugh as well.

With a smile, Evan ushers the boys out the door, trying to move them to the garage.

A ringing sound pierced through the chaos of the living room suddenly, causing Evan's blood to run cold. This was the moment they'd prepared for, there was no reason to feel uneasy.

He quickly composed himself, and after three rings, Evan answered the phone.

Jonathan was relieved when he heard shuffling on the other end of the line.

A few seconds of waiting, and he heard a gruff voice answer, "Hello?"

"Vanoss, let's go."

With those words, he cut the call, and placed the lavender piece into his ear. Tapping it twice, it crackles to life, connecting to the others.

"Alright, we're ready to move. Get your vests strapped, masks on, ear pieces in. And Nogla, for the love of God, tie your damn shoe laces!" Vanoss calls out, laughing as the other trips over them.

A few giggle as they watch the slightly embarrassed man, reach down to tie his laces. Lui laughs too, pressing a kiss to his cheek, then follows the others to the garage.

Vanoss paused, turning around to find Ohm nervously wringing his hands.

"Ohmie? You okay?"

Ohm nods quickly, swallowing the lump in his throat. "Yes, I um-" He shakily points towards the stairs, "Everything is ready to go."

Vanoss nods, sending him a reassuring smile. "You'll do great."

"Just bring them home, yeah?" Ohm mumbled, his voice barely a whisper.

"Of course." He nodded before pulling his mask down.

"Keep them safe V." He whispered, watching the leader disappear through the door

Ohm made his way back upstairs to the planning room, looking over all of his monitors once more. Every camera of the Kyper base was laid out across the screens, Fourzer0 and Mini both having access as well. The communication lines were clear, and everything was running smoothly.

He sat down in his desk chair, connecting his ear piece to the others. He was focused on the monitors, not noticing when Cartoonz rushed into the room.

"Bunny?" He questioned, wrapping the younger in his arms.

"I'm good. Just come back to me, yeah?" Ohm said, pressing a kiss to his lips quickly. "I love you, Toonz."

"I love you too, and I'll see you soon." He said with a wink.

Ohm watched as he left the room, before returning to his chair. He listened as engines roared to life from below, and the blades of the helicopter grew louder from above.

I'm Going Home - H2OVanossWhere stories live. Discover now