chapter twelve

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When dusk finally settled over the city, Evan made his way to the roof, knowing Delirious would be there soon.

Leaving the guys to themselves, Evan said good night before making his way to his office. Teddy led the way, bounding up the stairs. By the time he reached the room, the door was already open, and she was nowhere to be seen.

He smiled, following her up the small staircase. She yipped happily already sitting in Jon's chair. As Evan sat in his own, he let out a deep breath and relaxed his muscles.

For once, he felt calm. It was relieving, compared to the constant anxiety that never let him rest. He felt better about himself than he had in months, and felt confident about his leadership for his team.

Thinking about what Tyler said, he held tightly onto the idea that Jonathan would be proud of him. Like it would give him the push he needed to carry on, and do right by his family.

He had waited an hour, and as the time passed, darkness had taken over the sky, stars replacing the clouds of the day. The masked man would show at any moment.

"Well you're in an awfully cheerful mood." A gruff voice called.

Evan smiled, watching Delirious make his way to the edge of the roof, taking a seat. It still amazed him how silent the other could be.

"I am."

Delirious didn't reply, leaving his gaze on Evan. Staying silent was difficult. He wanted to come clean, tell Evan everything. Wishing he could reach out and hold him, just for a moment.

"Delirious? Everything alright?" He heard Evan's gentle tone.

Not trusting his words, he only nodded. Delirious threw one leg over the ledge, turning around, so he could stare over the city.

"Did your stitches tear? Or do they hurt?" Evan asked, concern laced in his voice.

The masked man shook his head once more. The wounds itch more than anything, and it was insanely irritating because he could do nothing about it. But he didn't feel the pain.

Evan knew something was off with the other, but figured he shouldn't ask. Their was a lot he didn't know about him, and didn't want to overstep his place.

Delirious sighed. "Two days, and we need your help. Have you decided?"

Evan nodded, "Yeah, we're all in."

Relief flooded his body, thankful they had agreed. "Thank you. I'll need a number to call, to let you know when we're moving. Be ready by morning."

"Sounds good." Evan agreed. "I told you, they'd love to help. We haven't had a mission in weeks. They're excited."

Delirious laughed softly. "Glad I could help."

"I'll get that number for you, before you leave. Don't let me forget." Evan said, knowing he would.

He watched as Delirious got off the wall, and walked to the chair. He called Teddy to him, still watching the other as he sat. The air felt heavy, and he noticed Delirious' body tense.

"Listen, I need to explain this, and I'm not sure the best way to do that. But I have to tell you." He spoke softly, unable to look at Evan.

Tears stung his eyes, as if he hadn't realized how difficult this would be. He was terrified of what Evan would think, how he would react.

"Okay..." Evan mumbled, feeling uneasy.

"Alright- shit this is hard to explain. Basically, when I'm angry I become uncontrollable. Like another part of me takes over, pushing my rational thoughts to the side." He hesitated. "I'm crazy, okay? I know that, my guys know that. I'm not that great at controlling him. Now I-"

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