chapter thirteen

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The night dragged on, his thoughts still racing. Evan should've expected another sleepless night, but he wished for a break from his mind.

Now, less than two days away, he would be sending his team into territory he knew nothing about. Realizing he had nowhere near enough time to prepare his normal strategic plans, was enough to spark his nerves.

Hour after hour, he tossed and turned, hoping for any chance of sleep. And the more he thought about their situation, the more anxious he became.

Eventually, he decided it was a useless attempt. He could always sleep tomorrow. Removing his duvet, he pulled himself out of the bed as to not disturb Teddy. Otherwise she'd be cranky.

Kissing her head lightly, he pulled on a sweatshirt, and took off to the kitchen. He made coffee, taking the whole pot and a mug with him, and headed for his office.

He sat down, pulling notepads and books out of the desk drawers, and started up his computers.

"Great time to work..." He mumbled, seeing the time which read two thirty-two.

As an effort to ease his anxious thoughts, he prepared his materials as he would for a normal mission. Each notepad and book had their own use, their were different colored pens for each of the guys. Everything had a place, and Evan certainly prided himself in his organizational habits.

The notebooks had been beat to hell from their use, with old planning pages, detailed bank layouts, blue prints, and maps spilling from the sides. He'd kept every plan he'd made, both A and B, because he always made a backup plan. They couldn't afford to make any mistakes. He needed to clean them out though, as some of these missions were from years ago.

Fishing the address Delirious had given him from another drawer, he was hoping for a small building. It would make his planning a bit easier. But knew it would be for nothing considering it housed more than seventy people.

Searching the address, he saw a large, three story warehouse, and his hope went out the window. Somehow, it didn't look big enough to house their entire gang. Grabbing a newer notebook, he turned to a fresh page and labeled it 'Delirious.'

A few years back, Craig managed to hack into the city's files, allowing him full access to any underground maps, sewer systems, power grids, etc. Basically, he had the whole city at his finger tips. Although he never abused the information, as he didn't want to run the risk of being caught.

He began his search for any underground systems this gang could have, luckily finding nothing of the sort. However, he did find the electrical plans for the building. If he was correct, it showed the building could've had, or does have, surveillance systems inside. He'd have Craig, Ryan, and Scott check into that later in the morning.

Until they were able to help, Evan started with what he did have access to, the outside. He printed photos of each side of the building, as well as the perimeter of the surrounding area. He separated those into piles, one for each member, then labeled his notebook pages.

Each team member had chosen a color, and were associated with it. David's color is green, Tyler's is pink, etc. He'd assign everyone a role, and they'd all receive their own copy of the plans to look over. This certainly wasn't his first rodeo

Starting with Brock, David, and Lui, they were the team medics. They'd be on standby with supplies in case something were to go sideways. As well, they'd each drive a car to the site, and wait as ground escape.

Next up would be the surveillance team. Ryan, Scotty, and Craig specialize in computers, and it was clear the didn't enjoy being in the field. Ryan would be left at the base, overseeing surveillance and communications. However, he was unsure of where to put Scotty and Craig just yet.

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