chapter one

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I hear two quiet knocks on my door, that pulls my attention from the show I'm watching. I don't answer, knowing whoever it is will let themself in anyways.

They knock again, and Brian's head pokes through the door.

"Hey Ev, breakfast is ready. If you wanted anything." He whispers.

I nod in response, not wanting to talk yet.

He closes the door, leaving me be. In all honesty, I don't want to have to muster the energy to put a shirt on, go downstairs, eat breakfast, and have conversations with everyone.

I don't want to pretend to be happy. I don't have the strength.

I look to the window, seeing the sun's attempt to break through my curtains, and I wish it was raining instead. A sneeze pulls me away, as I glance towards Teddy, my dog. She yawns, curling up once more next to the brown bear on my bed.

I smile at the sight, pulling the two close to me. The bear was Jon's. So was Teddy.

Tomorrow will mark a year without Jonathan. A long, miserable year.

Every day, I'm forced to look around our house, seeing pictures of him, his memory, his dog. All reminders of the life he had, which was taken from him too soon.

Teddy stretches and leaps off the bed, headed for the door. Despite not wanting to leave my room. I have responsibilities to fulfill, a team to lead, and a dog to feed.

I rub my eyes, ridding them of the burning sensation. Rolling out of bed, and slipping a sweatshirt on, Teddy dances happily by the door, making me smile.

Jon had rescued her when she was a puppy. She's a pitty, and had been dumped in a box in an alley. He took her to vet immediately, and brought her home after they deemed her healthy. I was hesitant on keeping her, because of our lifestyle. But he decided my opinion didn't matter, and kept her. Best decision he'd ever made.

I make for the stairs, jingles and taps following behind me. Although I have some rough days, she keeps me in check. She has her own bedtime, and doesn't sleep without me, she loves going for walks, and makes sure I'm eating. Only because if I don't eat fast enough, or pay attention, she steals whatever is on my plate.

As I arrive in the dining room, I smell biscuits and gravy, and bacon. Brock made breakfast, which means it'll be amazing. Teddy prances around her bowl, waiting for her food. I fill it, throwing a few pieces of bacon on top.

Although I don't have much of an appetite, I can't deny Brock's cooking. I make myself a plate, and walk around the table to my seat.

I look up, seeing the guys staring at me expectantly.

I look at them, confused, before smiling. "Good morning."

They all say their 'hello's' and 'good morning's', and Craig's voice calls over everyone else, "Good morning Evan!"

I shake my head, focusing back to my plate as they all dive back into their own conversations.

Once I finish, I go to let Teddy outside, before sitting back down. I catch Marcel and Tyler staring at me worriedly.


Marcel shakes his head, turning back to Scotty, and Tyler smiles at me, shrugging his shoulders.

As the others finish their breakfast, conversation dies down a bit. Luke catches my attention. "So Ev, when's our next mission?"

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