chapter twenty one

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• two weeks later •

"Okay well if I put Brian down with those two, he should be able to help with hostages, right?" Evan asked Tyler, who was leaning over to see the papers.

"Yeah, that works. I mean if Jon goes Delirious or whatever, then I'm not sure we will even need them down there." Tyler giggles.

"You know it's something I can control, right?" Jon quips from behind Evan.

"Yeah yeah, you're just fucking crazy. Admit it."

"I'm gonna let him go crazy on your dumb ass." Jon laughs.

"I'd love to see you tr-." Tyler stands.

Evan laughs, pulling Tyler back down and cutting him off. "You two shut it. Tyler focus."

"Next time." Jon winks at Tyler.

Tyler laughs nodding, then focuses back down onto the papers before him.

Blue prints of the bank they are robbing, included with emergency exits and each floors diagram are first up. Each copy has been marked up by both Evan and Tyler, then sent to Jon for final reviews.

While he does that, Tyler and Evan are getting everyone's specified jobs together.

"Okay so that takes care of Brian, Luke and Jon. Now what else?"

"Scooter has been practicing sniping. Marcel says he's doing real good. So Marcel, Scott, and Lui up top on roofs?" Tyler questions.

"Works for me." He agrees, writing on their papers.

"Hey can I have my earpiece back too?" Jon asks.

"I mean it's your color." Evan smiles, taking the lavender one from Jon, placing it back in the case with the others.

"Okay, now Brock and David?"

Evan hums, thinking for a moment. "Drivers, and medical standby?" He points on the aerial map, a few blocks away from the bank. "Here."

"Well yeah, and Brock can drive Black Betty. But Nogla's dumbass driving an armored truck?" Tyler giggles shaking his head, as Jon snickers in the back.

"Well would you rather drive, and David be in with me?" Evan's asks, smiling.

"Me? As medic too? That's even funnier than David driving." Tyler chokes through more giggles, making Jon laugh harder too.

Evan rolls his eyes, finally joining their laughter.

He writes his final notes for the guys' positions, and adjusts what Tyler thinks is needed. Ryan is left at base, as normal for watching cameras, and tapping police radios. Brian, Luke, and Jon are in the lobby guarding the doors. Evan, Tyler, and Craig are going to the safe. David is somehow allowed to drive, and Brock too. Then finally Marcel, Scotty, and Lui are on the roofs. Seems good enough.

All he needs now is a plan b. But he won't make Tyler stick around for that.

"Okay Ty, you're done for now. Make sure everyone has their guns cleaned, and the trucks get fueled. Lui, Brock, and David need to have their med gear ready, and anything else you decide for them to have done." Evan says, dismissing Tyler.

"Got it bub! I'm makin' dinner with Marcel tonight too! Around five, sound good?"

Evan smiles, giving him a thumbs up, and he dissapears out the door.

"What's plan b?" Jon asks, giggling.

"Uh, I mean after we thought you were gone, I started making one. Like a just one case, ya know? A plan to get everyone out safely if something goes wrong. Of course it isn't exact 'cause I don't know exactly what will happen, but it's something." Evan explained, pinching the bridge of his nose.

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