chapter fifteen

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As the sun rose on the new day, Evan had to remind himself to breathe.

This is it.

He's prepared, his team is ready. There's no need to be nervous.

At five am, he pulled himself up and out of bed. The call from Delirious would come soon. Whether he slept well or not, no longer mattered. He needed to prepare for the day.

He rushed out the door, grabbing a shirt along the way, and calling for Teddy to follow. He let her out the door, filling her bowl, and setting the coffee to brew.

He rushed off to his office, stumbling up the stairs. His mind was moving much faster than his body was able to keep up with at this hour.

For the first time in a while, Evan pushed the bear statue on his desk, forward. Jonathan had insisted there were too many owls in the room. Evan reminded the other that it was his office. Then Jon pouted, and Evan eventually gave in.

As the bear slid back into place, the armory doors on the wall opened. The cabinets held masks, earpieces, and safety vests. Evan grabbed a few at a time, walking to the planning room to lay them out. Every team member had their own seat, where their items were placed and organized. It helped that everything was color coordinated.

After taking care of those, Evan quickly got his plans together. He laid each person's specific plan onto their chair. Satisfied, he finally made his way to the basement armory.

Everyone had labeled their primary and secondary choices of weapons on their rack. All Evan had to do was take them upstairs. If they wanted or needed anything different for the mission, they are to take care of it before coming in the planning room. Looking over everything once more, he was satisfied with how it turned out.

It was around seven now, and Evan's stomach grumbled right on queue. Because Delirious hadn't given a certain time for the call, he'd wanted the team to be up and ready no later than nine.

He went to the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone. Teddy sat by his side, waiting for him to drop anything. Evan heard footsteps approach, and glanced over his shoulder to see Lui sitting at the island.

He groaned, laying his head down on the placemat.

"Good morning?" Evan questioned.

"Something like that."

Ryan sauntered in the room, following Lui's motions. Evan couldn't help but laugh at the two.

"What's going on Lui?" He asked.

"Do we have extra earplugs from the range? David's snoring is terrible."

"Oh. Talk to Ry, he'd know something about it." Evan said, motioning to his sleeping figure.

"I kicked Luke to the couch yesterday. I couldn't take it."

Lui giggled. "I'll try that before putting a pillow over his face."

"Try the pillow first." Ryan started, holding back a laugh too. "Or just make them sleep outside."

"Please. David? Outside? I don't think so."

A smile tugged at Evan's lips as he continued to cook and listen to their conversation.

"Okay you two, I'll make your coffee while you go wake the others for me, yeah?" He asked.

They nodded, and Lui raced up the stairs, Ryan trailing behind him.

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