21. Too Fast for You

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Westley O'Brian was ignoring me

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Westley O'Brian was ignoring me.

I texted him on Thursday morning while having breakfast, asking if he was okay, but the text didn't even get read before I left for school. Kairi was also doing the same thing. I expected us to continue our conversation after I got back from work yesterday, but she had locked herself up in her room by the time I got back, and when I knocked on her door, she didn't respond.

She was now officially back in that weird phase where she'd act like no one else was in the house.

At school, I didn't see West anywhere. I was hoping to bump into him in the hallway or in English, but when lunchtime rolled around and I still hadn't seen him, I concluded that he was absent. Again.

On my way out of my last class, I took a brave step and called him. The line rang until it went to his voicemail, and after the beep, I spoke. I didn't know if he checked his voicemail, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to try.

"Hey, West. It's me, Kimie. I'm worried about you, are you okay? Um, can you just text me when you get this?" I paused for a few seconds, then added, "Please?"

When I was done, I looked into my phone, going to my texts and reading the one I sent him earlier. He still hadn't read it. I started wondering if I took the wrong approach to this. Maybe I shouldn't have made it seem like I wasn't going to help him. Maybe I should have been wiser about the issue.

Before I could think about more things I could and couldn't have done, I bumped hard into someone who released an ugh, and our things went falling to the floor.

"I am so sorry," I apologized to the girl, then crouched so I could help her with her books.

She copied my action, grabbing my phone and some of her books. "It's okay. I was distracted, so I'm at fault, too."

I gave her books to her, finally looking up, and an amused smile lit up her face when her eyes met mine. The smile made me uncomfortable, so I stood, pushing disobedient strands of my hair behind my ear.

She gave my phone to me, then touched her index finger to her lower lip as if thinking about something. She was that way for a while, before she pointed at me. "I know you."

I gave her an awkward smile. "Are you sure? I don't think I've seen you before."

"You're that girl Dray was staring at the other day—Kairi Sato's sister."

At the mention of Dray and Kairi, I realized that I'd actually seen her before. She was the girl with my sister's boyfriend on Tuesday.

"Yeah, that's right," she added, folding her arms over her chest. "The younger sister of Dray's ex."

What did she mean by ex? As far as I knew, my sister and that heartless heartbreaker were working things out.

"Dray's filthy ex," she emphasized, prompting my eyes to focus on her cat ones. She had dark features that greatly complimented her complexion, and I would've found her beautiful, but after hearing the words that just came out of her mouth—words that condemned my sister—her beauty only made my stomach churn.

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