35. As Early as Possible

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I'd witnessed varying degrees of anger

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I'd witnessed varying degrees of anger.

It was an emotion I'd grown accustomed to over the years, but, somehow, the amount I saw in West's eyes was greater than all the other degrees I'd seen.

He looked more than furious, and Jamie not doing as he said didn't help.

The latter fixed me with a look, his softened eyes piercing through mine like he was trying to tell me something he knew I would never understand. I felt like I used to when my mom would tell me something in Japanese; I'd know that whatever it meant was serious even though I didn't completely understand her.

"Do you want me to?" he asked me, and for a moment, I was a little lost.

But then I remembered West's order, and it made sense. I looked at West again and saw that look still present in his eyes as he lingered by the door, like he wasn't fully convinced he wanted to be here. Even though he was angry, I could tell he was silently begging me to come with him.

So I gave Jamie a nod, causing him to pull away from me with a smile of disbelief.

"You know what?" he told me, folding his arms over his chest and sitting on the edge of the desk behind him. "You don't need to know. Go with him, you're good at that."

"Kimie, we're leaving," West said from the door, sounding impatient.

Jamie gestured to him with his chin. "You heard him."

"I still want to talk to you," I finally said, surprised at the strength of my voice.

"Kimie," West warned, moving further into the room. I could smell his cologne now. "We're leaving," he repeated. "Now!"

"I'm not done talking to him."

"You shouldn't be talking to him," he snapped, "and you know—"

"You don't own her, you know," Jamie interjected, sounding annoyed, still in the spot I last saw him. "She can do whatever the hell she wants."

I didn't like the look that went to rest on West's face then, and I knew that if one of them didn't leave this room soon, things were going to escalate.

"Stay out of this," he managed to tell him before looking back at me. "Can we leave?"

"Fine," I mumbled, straightening my posture in preparation, but I let my frown stay. I wanted him to know that I wasn't happy about this.

A worried look flashed in his eyes when he caught my expression, but he still took a step back, telling me to move to the door. I was almost out of the room, West following closely behind me, when Jamie spoke again. And this time, West didn't hold himself back, the bad energy surrounding him today suddenly intensifying.

"I'll be here tomorrow," was what Jamie said, succeeding in confusing me. He was just having fun whipping my head back and forth again and again today.

West tensed behind me, his hand stopping halfway to the doorknob, almost grazing my side, and immediately I understood what that meant, I spun to face him.

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