33. Holy Pepperoni

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I barely got the chance to react to my name being screamed out in the hallway like that before two hands were on my back, propelling me forward.

Then Ridgerock High School went grave silent.

Everyone had been murmuring about Smooches' new post, expressing disbelief and disappointment and mock, but Macy An shouting my name like she was losing her mind, just before she shoved me, was enough to silence them. I'd never heard the hallway this quiet when so many people were in it.

My right hand slammed into someone's locker as I tried to steady myself, and pain shot through it. Then the side of my face collided with metal when I lost my balance. I heard the shout leave my lips before I realized I was shouting.

Rolling onto my back, I placed my hands over the hurt part of my face, feeling something wet and warm instantly. My head was pounding, and figures swam behind my closed eyelids.

"You told me you were gonna tell her!" Macy screamed at me, unaffected by how hurt I was—unaffected by the fact that I was clutching my face while lying on the floor. "You told me you were gonna talk to her!"

And just as suddenly as she had pushed me, Macy was straddling me and grabbing my hair, a guttural sound escaping her lips.

I managed to hear someone gasp in shock before my head met with the floor.

Then came the chaos.

There was so much noise as people watched Macy attack me, her sharp fingernails digging into my skin. She kept growling in frustration, like a crazy young woman in a melodramatic movie. I couldn't defend myself or fight back, my eyes stung where she'd scratched them, my face was on fire, and I knew that my injuries were going to be bad—terrible.

It all happened so fast that I barely registered Macy being dragged off me before I felt a familiar and comforting hand push hair off my face.

"Hey, Kim?" West called softly, trying to get my hand off so he could see how bad my face was. I didn't want him to see it, so I refused to give in to his urges.

I heard Macy scream like the insane person she was somewhere behind him, and I realized she was struggling with someone.

"Come on, Kimie. Let me see," West pleaded with me.

"She got my eye," I finally whispered, tears streaming down the sides of my face, making me hurt even more. A few drops got into my ears.

He forced my hand off then, and I slowly opened my eyes to see his reaction, blinking several times at the unbelievably bright fluorescent lights.

"Shoot." I knew it was worse than I thought before he mumbled the intensifier under his breath.

People were standing over me, wanting to see if I was okay, but only West was crouched next to me like he really cared. He wrapped a hand gently but firmly around my arm and pulled me up to a sitting position. I scooted back until my back was pressed against the locker that almost mutilated my face, my eyes half open.

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