36. Extra

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This time, I was ignoring West out of guilt

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This time, I was ignoring West out of guilt. I refused to meet his eyes in class, and I rushed out immediately it was over, trying hard not to look in his direction.

He texted me again yesterday, after I'd gotten ready for bed, but I didn't tap on it so it wouldn't show that I'd read it. It was just a simple please?, but it did more to me than I wanted, and I went to bed with tears in my eyes. I didn't know why I was doing this, but deep down, I knew that it was more than me just wanting to protect Tybalt's feelings.

I wanted something. I just didn't know what it was.

I was tempted to go to the library for lunch, but something told me he'd be there, so I just stayed in the cafeteria and kept my head down. When I used to play hide and seek with Kairi as a kid, I believed that if I crouched behind the couch or under the kitchen sink and covered my eyes with my palms, then she wouldn't be able to find me. If I can't see her, then she can't see me. That was the idea then. Maybe it would work with West today.

After hearing the last bell, my heart soared with relief. I had one less thing to worry about.

But immediately I stepped through the front doors of Ridgerock, I realized I was very wrong. My theory was proven false.


At first, I thought it was him, but then my mind registered the voice, and my lips pulled into a frown as I turned to face Dray. A very sharp reply was on my tongue, bouncing with anticipation, but it dried up the moment I saw that he wasn't alone. West was behind him.

Dray was a few inches taller than him, but they were both six-foot-something, and, standing together in dull-colored clothes, outside a high school, they looked a little frightening.

West didn't look away from me, his dark pools making my skin itch uncomfortably, and, even worse, Dray was smiling. At me.

"Wow," he said, his eyes glinting in a way that almost made them resemble West's. "You move damn fast."

I folded my arms over my chest, but quickly put them down when I realized how the action made me look. "What do you want?"

"Can you help me give something to your sister?"

I felt my eyebrows draw together. "Why can't you give it to her yourself?" He was wasting my time.

Dray let out a sigh, not hiding his impatience. I liked knowing that I annoyed him. "Look, I talked to her, okay? And she said it's okay if I sent it through you."

I chewed on my tongue, hating that I'd have to listen to him. Again. "Fine," I told him, keeping my voice low and under control.

West chose that moment to walk away, and I averted my eyes naturally as he walked past me.

"Here," Dray said, stretching a little black box to me. Of course he'd buy jewelry in a black box. "Tell her I said I'm sorry."

My ears perked up at his words, and I felt tempted to ask him what he was sorry for, but I remembered that I had a date to prepare for. I also doubted that he was going to reply to me.

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