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It's been two days since the incident. Kendrea was no where to b found. I was with the rest in Taylor lodge which was just beside mine

"switch on the TV, Tristan interview is Abt to start!" Helen squealed, dropping a box of pepperoni pizza she had ordered on the medium size side table .

"Good afternoon everyone,  I'm Linda.  Today we're live  with Tristan Thompson. We will be talking live in Hawaii" Linda spoke immediately Helen switched on the TV set "how are you enjoying your vacation Mr Tristan? " the reporter asked him.

"it's going well Linda,  thanks" he answered a little bit nervous

"speaking of family,  you have alot of fans,  how do your family deal with your status?" the reporter asked making him laugh

"I love my family and at the same time love my fans. Most of the time I'm never home, always at a friends place because of the paparazzi, I wear shades when leaving home,  me and my close friends are mostly indoor "

"and the girls?,  you have a lot of them after you ..."

"I have got the charm" he chuckled at the same time interrupting her

"oh" the reporter laughed "news took it that you are dating a highschool mate"

"well I think it's Time ,I settle down "

"are you in love Mr Tristan? " Linda asked

"I'm" he answered shortly
My heart skip a beat who was he in love with,  why do I even care.

"for how long? "

"since I was ten"
I froze was I the girl ?

"so who is the lucky girl?,  you are going to be breaking a few heart Onces you say her name " Linda chuckled

"I'm in love with Alex Dennis " Tristan said taking a deep breath "I have been in love with her since I first met her,  I love the way she is guarded, she has walls built up that I want to knock down, I love her smile,  the way she calls my name,  her laugh, I love the way she looks at me, she has always had my heart,  I had chances but I messed it up,  I'm trying fix it though.  I love her, I'm in love with her,   I'm in love with Alex Dennis."

Mr Tristan Thompson just confused his feelings for me. Omg

"finally " everyone said in unison  except Tristan

"what the fuck just happened " Tristan said in rage

"dude his not done let's listen to him" Taylor said

Strangers passing around us but I walked behind you never looking back craving a path that's made for us leaving behind our scars you are the light of my life I am Worth your time could you please just be mine? I want your lips seeking my name I want to be your all. My heart talks about nothing but you. I wish I could explain you how wonderful you are how I could.look I to your eyes and never get tired of their beauty how the sound of yours moves my breathe a beauty melody. How I see you walk towards me makes me smile how much you much you mean to me I am scared what if no one misses you what you'd do. I think about your eyes a lot strange they are dangerously beautiful. Your eyes speaks all the words that your mouth fails to. The way our soul dances when we smile at each other. When they ask what I see in you I smile and look away afraid if they knew they'd fall in love too. The first time I kissed you I was under a spell hooked a kiss a drug I couldn't live without the instance you pulled back I knew I'd follow you till death do us path. I want to call you mine I want to spend the rest of the sunset with you I want to lay next to you and feel the beat of your heart. Would you be my girlfriend?"

"say yes!!! " they all urged me , of course  except Tyler  who was glaring

Tristan Thompson just confessed his feelings for me and asked me to be his girlfriend.

I just realized how much I have waited for this day.I was in love with Tristan Thompson,i have been in love my brother best friend.

"yes" I said with a smile  into the speaker Helen held in front of me

"she said yes! " Tristan squealed on stage.

Did she actually say yes? 😎
Did things happen fast
Hit the vote button lovelies
Sorry for short chapter  we have got just one more chapter to go...


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