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I kinda figured out Taylor will eventually invite Olivia and Sarah for dinner. We're all expecting them at 7pm, just perfect, now I have to put up with a crazy teen aka Olivia. Right now I and the girls are preparing dinner.

"so what do you guys think about Olivia and Sarah?" Winnie asked
"As for Sarah she's cool, Olivia is air head" Ivy said rolling her eyes making us burst into laughter "All she cares about now is Tristan this, Tristan that"
"Is someone jealous?" Taylor teased
"nah, he's Alex's man" Ivy replied winking at me and I just shake my head in response. "Where are the boys?" Ivy asked walking to the fridge to get the salad ingredients.
"The boys or Tyler?" Helen gave her the "your crush talking to you" look
"what do you mean ?" Ivy snapped
"c'mon girl it obvious" Winnie smiled washing a salad bowl.
"we're all girls you don't need to be shy, I'm sure he feels the same way" Taylor assured.
"sure he does" I winked at her opening the carton of chicken "well the boys are working out in the gym room."

At past seven, the door bell rung
"I'll get it" Winnie hopped off the couch "hey"
"um--em,hey" we could hear Sarah's voice
"oh you're welcome, come in" Helen ushered Olivia and Sarah in.
Am not over exaggerating but Olivia must have loosed a nut or two. If I didn't know she was coming for dinner I would think she was heading for a strip club. She was wearing a short blue gown that looks like a short dress with black heels, she had her nails polished, her hair was dyed black and blue, her earrings were gold and dangling. Seriously, she's high on something. On the other hand was Sarah just putting on black jean pants and a white oversized tee-shirt.
"Alex, be nice" Taylor snapped me out of my thoughts.
"oh, hey" I faked a smile
"can I use your guestroom please? "Olivia asked
"upstairs, last room on your left. Please feel at home." Taylor said.
"Who is older, you or your sis?" Ivy asked Sarah after Olivia was out of sight.
"Her" Sarah replied almost immediately.

After a little chit chat, dinner was ready, my favourite ;Chicken and salad. We were all seated at the table but two people were missing at the table, Olivia and Tristan.
"Tristan , get your lazy self downstairs " Taylor yelled "and bring Olivia" well Taylor had hardly finished her sentence when she heard a chuckle coming from the stairway. Olivia had lost some lipstick and Tristan had gained some. I felt hurt, I was jealous and I felt weird but its his life and I don't own him, why the hell should I be hurt. I think everyone knew what was going on because there was dead silence.
Tristan sat opposite me with Olivia beside him, she whispered something to him and he smiled with his eyes on me, making me glare at him.
"so how was y'all's first day"
"OMG, I can't believe I get to see Tristan Thompson everyday" Olivia squealed in excitement and making me roll my eyes.
"girl, she has a big crush on Tristan" Ivy whispered to me making me smile a little.
"how about you Sarah?" Donny asked
"it went well, I think moving to Miami was a good idea. I'm glad I met you guys" Sarah smiled and I noticed she had a lovely smile and dimples
"So you guys are new here?" Donny asked again
"yeah" Sarah answered almost immediately.
"Wait a minute , why did you move to Miami "Ivy chipped in .
"we just wanted to start a new life" Sarah faked a smile and I guess Ivy got the message that she (Sarah) wasn't ready to have the conversation because she stopped asking further.
"so you guys are staying?" Winnie asked.
"Are you kidding me?, I get to see Tristan Thompson everyday, what on earth will make us leave" Olivia said tucking her hair behind her ear.
"so where are you guys from?" Helen asked
"Savannah" Olivia and Sarah said in unison.
"I think we should dig in now" Taylor said.


After dinner I volunteered to wash the dishes while the rest watched a new episode of spotlight. Lucky enough, Olivia and Sarah didn't stay the night probably because we have school tomorrow.
I put the dishes in the dishwasher with the cutleries and poured in liquid soap "should be done in less than eight minutes "I murmured to myself.

"hey" Tristan walked in
"what do you want ? "It wasn't intentional to sound harsh but the words flew right out.
"umm, will you be my date for Friday night?" he asked rubbing his hair lightly with his fingers.
"I'm not staying for the party"
"but it's in your house"
"Doesn't change anything, I'll be in my room throughout, besides you've got Olivia and Kendra "
"Is that jealousy written all over your face?" he smirked
"no Its not and I don't think you'll ever see me jealous. I'm probably just thinking of how disgusting you are to make out with someone you met in less than 24hours" I switched off the dishwasher and walked right out of the kitchen without looking back.

******* Friday night *******

Taylor, Tyler, Helen, Winnie, Donny, Kyle, Wesley and Tristan have been busy setting up the down floor for the party. On the other hand was Ivy and I currently in our underwear watching a movie on Netflix.

"Alex are you in?" It was Taylor. I knew she came to make me get dressed so I pretended like I was asleep. She pushed the door open. She had on a black short gown that had a l slits at the side and silver lace heels, her hair was rolled into waves and her makeup was smokey. Well I give her all the credits she was looking hot and wild for the party. "Ivy, Tyler wants to see you, Alex get dressed " she walked to my closet
"why? " Ivy asked
" I don't know, he's in his room" she answered
"okay" she jumped down from my bed and walked out.
"Taylor I really don't want to attend the party" I whined
"you don't have a say" she threw a black short fitted skirt and a white lacy loosed crop top on my bed "wear your high knee boots" she said and walked out of my room. I sighed as I changed, I did not stress over my hair I just let it fall on my shoulders 'cause it was naturally straight on its own I put on mild makeup and went downstairs. By now the party was heated, I walked to the kitchen and met Tyler and Ivy sitting opposite each other talking about something I couldn't figure out, a smile crept my lips. Ivy was putting on a wine coloured off the shoulder straight gown that stopped at her knees. It had a slit at the front. I got to admit her outfit was way better than mine. I didn't even plan for this.
By the balcony was a blast of Hip Hop music, teens yelling like crazy probably due to too much intake of alcohol.
I hope this night ends well.

Hope y'all enjoyed it ...
Much love ❤❤❤

What do you think is going to happen in the party? 😁 I can't wait to upload the next chapter . -Brains❤

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