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School hours passed. Ivy and I stayed behind for extra class so we had to walk home.

"Are you and Tristan going to keep avoiding each other?" Ivy asked all of a sudden.
"why do you ask? "
"Like its been two years now"
"Ivy" I sighed "I really don't want to talk about this now "
"it's okay"
"so you are coming over? "I asked hoping she would say yes.
"sure but I have to go home first "
"No biggie "
"see you at 5"
We went different ways.

Twenty minutes later, I was in my room watching a teens TV spotlight when Taylor walked in.
"courtesy sis, learn to knock "Whatever, mum won't be home for 2weeks business calls"
"so what's next"
"we are just going to have fun" she winked at me, you could call Ivy over my friends are staying including the boys" she winked again and making me roll my eyes
"Am kinda busy I won't be able to prepare dinner with you"
"Why, cause the boys are going to be moving around shirtless?" She gave me that look your BFF would give to you when you are having a conversation with your crush.
"I don't know what you are thinking but I have no business with the boys"
"Whatever I will prepare dinner and you better get your butts downstairs when dinner is ready or I'm sending Tristan to feed you"
"Why do u keep talking about Tristan?"
"Because there's some sought of chemistry between you two and you are meant to be for each other"
"Wow funny" I faked a laugh "look Taylor the last thing I need now is a love sermon"
"C'mon your kiss said it all"
"For goodness sakes that's two years ago, people change" I whined.
"Well, I will leave you alone to your thoughts I'm going to prepare dinner"

Alone in my thoughts I found myself thinking of Tristan, our first kiss played in my head repeatedly. But why the hell did he change after the kiss, we used to be friends. I actually had feelings for him but he screwed up big time.

"Heyyyyy" Ivy snapped me out of my thoughts.
"When did you come in?"
"I knocked and came in forever ago what were you thinking of?"
"Um--em ,Nothing"
"Al, spill it" yeah they call me Al for short not like my name is long though.
"Am just worried about school. I'm a senior now"
"What a pretty liar you are,I'm ordering pizza"

Having Ivy around turned out great we played games, polished our nails,styled our hair ,play cards, watched teens shows and some other girly stuff. Sooner than later, it was time for dinner.

"I promised Taylor I will be down for dinner"
"Sure"Ivy jumped down from my bed "do you think I'm okay like this?"
"Seriously when did u start thinking about what they say about your look"
"I kinda find Tyler attractive"she winked at me "c'mon lets go"

We managed to get our lazy self downstairs and the first person I saw was Kyle with Donny his best friend.

"Hey Kyle, hey Donny"
"What's up babe"Kyle asked while Donny winked at me with a thumbs up.
"I'm good"
"Kyle that's my sister and Alex that's my man"
"You have him all to yourself" I rolled my eyes and walked to the kitchen to get my favorite cookie and yoghurt only to find Tristan shirtless. He had just sweatpants on, obviously cooking dinner. I just ignore him and grab the cookie jar from the top of the fridge with my yoghurt.

"Hey" I could imagine the annoying smirk he had on his face.
"Hey" I rolled my eyes and walked out of the kitchen. Honestly I'm not ready for a conversation with him.
"C'mon guys let's take a picture I want to post a new pic on Instagram"Helen squealed in excitement.
"I will take the picture you guys should give me a killer pose" I said walking towards Helen to take the camera.
"Al you are taking the pic with us we could put the camera on timer"
"Whatever" I rolled my eyes for the one hundredth and one time.
"Tristan hurry up "Helen yelled
"Won't the paparazzi find out the location if they see the post?" I asked
"That's true"Tyler said
"Nah am smart enough not to tag my location" Helen replied with a smile plastered on her face "At the count of three we're all giving our lottery smile 1,2,3" I tried to keep a long face but I had Taylor at my side who was tickling me so I ended up having a huge smile more like a crazy laugh "OMG am posting it"Helen squealed
"Can we see it"Winnie asked stretching her arms out probably to take the camera.
"Nah you will see it when I post it. Friends are everything, Thanks for your attention don't forget to comment"
"Helen you are silly"Taylor threw a pillow at her.


After dinner I and Ivy laid on my bed when my phone buzzed. I checked the screen it was a notification that read "one new post from He_len. Helen's Instagram name.

"Looks like Helen has posted the picture" I said out loud clicking on the notification.
"OMG your smile was the first thing I noticed" Ivy said a tint of happiness in her voice.
"That's because Taylor was tickling me"I rolled my eyes.
"Can you see the way Tristan was looking at you like you were the only one on his mind"
"Because I was laughing like crazy and his mind was has Alex loosed a nut?, "wait a minute is that Tyler's hands wrapped around your waist?" I zoomed to have a clearer view.
"Al , it's just a picture"
"Just a picture ?"I gave her your crush talking to you look "was you blushing or what?"
"Al shut up" she threw a pillow at me and we chuckled.
"I'm gonna comment" she jumped down from my bed to get her phone. To pass time, I went through the comments. one said 'nice picture ❤' another said 'you guys are so lucky to have Tristan Thompson, I'd kill to have him for just one night😁' " Like who cares "I murmured to myself. I just scroll down because the comments were increasing. One caught my attention 'cutest couple @Alex and Tristan....Ivy cares😘'

"Ivy!!!"I exclaimed "what the hell"
"Love you, c'mon give me a hug" she giggled with her arms opened wide "let's wait to see Kendra's reply"she winked at me and I just sigh covering my face with the pillow she threw at me earlier.

So many ideas but I'm too lazy to type🤦...I just hope you enjoyed it
Please don't forget to share among your friends🙏 -Brains❤️

Please kindly follow me on Instagram @isimhankhomen

Love u all in bunch 😘😘❤️

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