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I officially present the new title of this book to y'all my amazing readers


Thank you preyei for the book cover

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Thank you preyei for the book cover

I tucked Mae who was fast asleep in her bed. After Bree left I made popcorn, Mae couldn't eat all of it and she actually slept while eating. I was hooked staring at her pretty face, she looked like a perfect small version of Bree. I remember the night Bree broke the news to us that she was pregnant and her college boyfriend had broken up with her because he wasn't ready to start a family. Bree was just in college then, she didn't even have a job then but she decided to keep the baby, she had to move in to Delila and Tristan's penthouse in order to meet her needs with the little money she earned from the part-time job she was doing . At times she had to do three jobs all at once just to make ends meet. We'd keep telling her to relax that Tristan would gladly take care of her but she would always say she's needs to work for her money and be independent. I kinda respected her decision cause it's the kind of woman I would like to grow up to become.
Most of the time Mae had a sleep over at our house while Bree was off to work and that was how I grew fond of her.

I smiled gently closing her room door. It's just past 2pm over here and I'm starting to feel hungry.
I opened the fridge and it was almost empty, just four cartons of milk, half a dozen of eggs, a carton of chicken and some fruits. I guess it's all because of Tristan absence.

Confused on what to do I grabbed a carton of milk and gulped down half it's content at once, luckily Mae's cookie jar was on top of the fridge so I may as well have some.

I really don't know how I drifted to sleep only to wake up by the piercing sound of the door bell.
"argh" I groaned, struggling to get off the couch. *ding dong * "I'm coming" I yelled rubbing my sleepy eyes and walking towards the door. I didn't bother checking who was at the door I guess it was Delila because Bree is out for work and Tristan you know. I froze as I opened the door and saw Tristan in front of me.

"are you going to lock me out of my house" he snapped making me blink.

"sor-sorry " I stammered letting him in and closing the door behind me.

"I guess you're here babysitting Mae" he said dumping his bag on the couch and walking towards the fridge, his face lacked emotion.

"yeah" I rolled my eyes as I plopped my ass on the couch

"what the fuck!" he exclaimed slamming the fridge door close.

"you know you should watch your words, Mae Is upstairs"

"says the whore who fucks around"


"my question is still up where were you and with whom? "

"did you just call me a whore? this is unbelievable" I said fighting my tears

"of course you are" he laughed loudly "how long have you been sleeping with Cole "

"what the hell do you mean, yes I was with Cole last night so what are you going to do about it, were you the one stalking me?"

"why would I, its not like there's anything special about you" he smirked walking past me.

"Tristan what is your problem? first you wake me up just to yell at me then you come home to insult me and call me names, did I haunt you in your dreams" I couldn't hold it in any longer I broke down.

"I'm sorry" he sighed frustrated.

"I don't need your apology, I'll be leaving" I turned to leave.

"Alex" he called softly but I ignored him and ran out "Alex wait" he called running behind me trying to catch up with me.

Endless calls came from him till he eventually caught up with me and immediately pulled me in a hug "I'm sorry Alex I'm really sorry"

"why do I feel like you don't mean it" I said hitting my fist hard on his chest.

"Alex I'm sorry, the truth is I was jealous, news was all over New York about you and Cole's outing in an old coffee shop just after his presentation" he said looking into my eyes.

"huh, it was on the news? " I asked

"yeah the press already had it but before it went everywhere I had to write to the agency to put it down" he smiled at me "so it's no more on the news"

"thanks" I said wrapping my hands around him and hugging him back.

"so do I get a thank you kiss" he formed a pout.

"nope, it ain't happening" I chuckled

"ouch, that hurts "

"so Mr Thompson was jealous" I chuckled harder "but why"

"I don't know" he mumbled rubbing the back of his head "I just feel it's weird I don't want any other guy around you, I just feel... argh argh"

"are you serious?" I smirked

"yeah, can you stay away from Cole, I don't like how he's getting so close to you."

"Tristan you aren't my boyfriend, I see you as just one of my crazy friends who I had my first kiss with" or do I want us to be more than friends? "well I would, only if you're able to get rid of the girls flocking around you" I chuckled knowing how impossible that'll be, gently pushing him away, I started running towards the house.

"it's not my fault that I'm hot" he yelled running behind me.

"then sorry mister I can't stay away from Cole, if I get to the house before you do, you're taking me out for dinner."

"And if I do?"

"I do whatever you want me to do"

"agreed "

"get ready to lose loser" I chuckled running faster than I was earlier.

I tried my best I hope you enjoy it 😪
I promise to make next chapter thrilling

This book is coming to an end soon about 10 or 11 more chapters and
guess what the sequel is coming up soon😊😊

Stay tuned lovelies
I'm Brainnie 😜

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