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I want to appreciate all those who find the time to read my story, also those who plan to read my story but are too busy and also those who would read it in future.... Y'all mean a lot to me ♥

Imagine everyone who read this chapter voted, commented, shared and followed my account... ☺🙂

"Jeez,you mean you did the it?" Helen squealed .

"how was it?" Ivy asked "was he rough?"

"you guys should chill" Taylor beamed "at first he took it slow but later on, he got kinda rough"

"with the look on your face, I bet you enjoyed it" Helen giggled

"wait a minute, you don't regret losing your virginity at 18?" I asked in disbelief.

"nope, I'm good" she (Taylor)glared at me.

"I'm on Alex's side" Winnie said

"when you two get boyfriends then you can talk to me about keeping your virginity" Taylor said glaring at me and Winnie "Helen it's your turn"

"I'm just airing my thoughts" I rolled my eyes

"keep them to... "

"so" Helen clears her throat in a funny way "on Tuesday last week I stopped by a coffee shop near by, where I met this guy, I later found out his name is Will, we haven't met since then but we exchanged numbers and we are planning on meeting tomorrow"

"are you thinking of becoming a thing with him" Taylor smirked.

"what? No!" Helen yelled "I haven't even known him for up to 24hours"

"why the defense" Ivy gave her that look.

"oh fuck you two" Helen let out raising her middle finger

"c'mon, it takes a minute to like someone" Taylor teased

"and as they say, an hour to fall in love" Ivy chuckled.

"Helen ignore them" Helen said mockingly.

The night grew darker. Winnie opened up about having feelings for Donny, Kyle's best friend, while Ivy gave us an update on her relationship with Tyler my brother, and finally it was my turn.

"Alex we're waiting for you" Ivy said and rolled her eyes

"where do I start?" I sigh

"you can start from where you were when mum called" Taylor beamed

"I was at Cole's place" I muttered trying hard not to roll my eyes

"yeah, Cole gave me deets" Ivy winked at me

"wait a minute, do you have feelings for this Cole boy?" Winnie asked

"no!" I answered almost immediately "must you always jump to conclusions, I don't see reasons why I can't hang out with a male friend "

"then who do you have feelings for?" Helen smirked at me.

"no one" I rolled my eyes "I'm a teenager, yeah my body is going through changes, my hormones and all but that doesn't mean I should be love sick"

"then what's up with you and Tristan?" Helen asked "that guy kinda likes you, you know"

" A thong on my flesh" I deadpanned, I don't see anything funny about what I said but they all burst into laughter

"so what happened at the airport " Taylor smirked

"nothing, he just wanted to see me before leaving" I said with my head down hoping they would buy the lie, was I even telling a lie he actually wanted to see me before he left right.

"But the paparazzi was all over you, like something juicy was happening" Helen said with a smirk "so I believe you are lying"

"yess" they all said in unison

"we hugged" well I wasn't lying.

"and then?" Taylor smirked

"nothing more, look the paparazzi probably thought I was Tristan's girlfriend" I rolled my eyes.

"so...." Winnie was about to say something when a knock interrupted.

"there's a party near by you guys wanna come?" Donny popped his head in my room.

"we're in" Helen squealed in excitement.

"It's in a club downtown and it's in an hour" Donny said

"we'll be down in 10" Taylor beamed

"cool" Donny said before leaving.

"how the fuck do you expect us to be ready in 10mins" Ivy yelled hopping off the bed and heading for my closet

"well, I will be home reading my ass out" I mumbled picking up my calculus textbook that was laying on my bedside table.

"hell no, I'm going and so are you" Ivy said throwing a black zip collar dress at me "I can't be bored"

"but you've got Tyler" I rolled my eyes
"you don't have a choice" Taylor glared at me.


"we're already late for the party, why don't we just stay in and watch a movie" I whined whilst Taylor put highlighter on my face.

"oh even perfect, because everyone is gonna turn around and be like oh my, check out their outfits" Taylor beamed.

"can I borrow your black heels" Ivy asked holding up my favorite black heels. Dammit she looked so hot, she had on one of my short Tiger print dresses with her hair rolled in waves and a simple glam makeup "Alex are you here?" Ivy snapped me out of my thoughts.

"oh yeah" I replied whilst Taylor gave me heat curls.

"okay I'm done" Taylor gave a satisfied smile before letting me look in the mirror.

"omg" I gasped, I looked so freaking beautiful

"Who knew Alex could be this beautiful? " Helen chuckled walking into the room making me glare at her.

"C'mon with the way Tristan looks at her, he must have seen she could be this beautiful" Ivy winked at me.

"the limo is here" Donny announced popping his head in my room again.

"we'll be down" Helen said

I looked at my reflection in my mirror and seriously I was looking good, yeah I stuck to the black zip collar dress Ivy chose for me earlier. I would've just worn a white converse but Taylor insisted I wore my silver lace heels and you know, I never have my way .

I sigh as I locked the door behind me. By now everyone should know I am not a party person.

I tried my best
I admit nothing fun happened in this chapter 😔but I assure you the next chapter is gonna be 😘😘

I hope you enjoyed it ?

Let's hope the party turns out great. Yeah I also wonder what the party will turn out to be 😁

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