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The car came to a halt and I couldn't tell where we were because Cole insisted on blindfolding me along the way and I'm as nervous as you can imagine.
"are we there?" I asked
"yes and I'm about to help you out "
"okay" I muttered
The passenger seat door opened and I felt Cole pull me out.
"can I just take this damn thing off ?" I said almost yelling.

"now you can open your eyes" Cole announced and I took the blindfold off.
"Woooooooow" I gasped as I looked around. I was in a garden, a beautiful garden with butterflies gracing the atmosphere.
"how did you find this place?" I asked wondering exactly where we were
"you'd find out soon" he smirked
"I hate it when I'm kept clueless" I whined running my fingers on the red roses.
"that was Sam's favourite flower"
" Did she like coming to the garden?" I asked. I looked at the sky already getting cloudy like it was about to rain
"yeah, she did every evening"
"Cole" a woman yelled away from us "get inside it's about to rain."
"that's my mum" he smiled as we made our way out of the garden.
"so this is your house?"
"man it's so big, you even have a garden"
"you've just been to the garden" he chuckled.
"You know what I mean" I said walking a little bit ahead.

I couldn't help but admire the beauty of his house it was ten times finer than Tristan's. Okay I lied there, if I had to choose which was better, I really can't tell, they are both stunning.
"what's your name?" Cole's mother took me off guard. I didn't see her coming.
"oh what a beautiful name"
"Thanks ma'am"
"please call me Annie" I smiled in response walking behind Cole "feel at home" she yelled behind me.
"your mum is cool you know" I said to Cole almost in a whisper.
"she talks a lot" he chuckled
"Well I love her already" I couldn't help but smile.

On getting to his room, he switched on the light and took off his sneakers.
"you have a good taste of colours for a dude" I giggle. His room was painted sky blue with black polka dots, it had shining silver lights on the ceiling, a reading table where his laptop sat, a big plasma tv on the wall opposite his bed....
"my mum gets the credit, she designed the house herself "
"so I dressed up this way only to end up in your house" I rolled my eyes plopping onto the bed.
"I'll get us pizza my lady" he chuckled walking out of his room making me roll my eyes again.

Now I was alone. I looked around and my eyes caught sight of a framed picture of a girl sitting on Cole's bedside drawer. I took it in my hand, the girl looked so much like Cole. She must be Sam. I wondered what Sam's room would have been like, the kind of friends she had, the kind of life she lived...
"that's Sam" Cole snapped me out of my thoughts, he had a box of pizza in his hand.
"yeah, I figured"
"so what do you want us to do?" he asked gently placing the box of pizza on his bed.
"You brought me here, you should have something in mind" I rolled my eyes "Pepperoni pizza!" I squealed as Cole opened the box of pizza.
"you could say I'm the best" Cole smirked.
"Let's pretend I didn't hear that" I said grabbing a slice of pizza "this tastes heavenly." Cole stretched his hand to take a slice but I slapped his hand off. "it's mine"

Well you weren't expecting a girl my size to finish a box of pizza were you? I grabbed the last slice of pizza handing over the empty box to Cole "can I get 2litres of soda?" I laughed so hard till my stomach started to hurt. The look on Cole's face made me laugh harder. He should be happy I was kind enough to give him a slice. "pleaseeee" I pouted
"no" he said sticking out his tongue
"okay" I got off the bed, running to the sitting room were I remember seeing a fridge. I opened the fridge in a hurry when I heard footsteps of Cole. The first thing I saw was a bowl of coffee toffee ice cream. I licked my lips, grabbing the bowl, ran to the kitchen to find a suitable place to hide and finally hiding in the kitchen cupboard.
"once I get you, you are a goner" Cole yelled from the sitting room. I covered my mouth with my palm trying not to laugh out "Alex where are you" he called out walking into the kitchen I chuckled lightly hoping he won't find me. I looked around me for something to defend myself if he found me and my eyes caught a sauce pan "gotcha!" he said and opened the kitchen cupboard.
"Ahhhhh" I screamed hitting him with the sauce pan and running out of the kitchen.
"that was cheating, it hurrrrrts" he yelled running after me "and you stole my favourite ice cream" I couldn't help but giggle. I can't remember the last time I had this much fun. I ran to his bed and covered myself up with the duvet "now you aren't going anywhere" he threw off the duvet
"Ahhhhh" I screamed "please stopppppp!" I begged. He was tickling my sides and that that was definitely one of my weaknesses.
"nope,stubborn girls deserve a punishment" Cole smirked tickling me harder
"Cole pleaseeeeeeee"

Aren't Cole and Alex cute? 😄😄😄
Let's see what happens in the next chapter


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