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I threw three packet of  M&M chocolate into my shopping basket which was already almost filled up with nothing other than chocolates, cheerios,  milk , sardines, chocolate chips cookies and other goodies. We're all shopping for our school vacation in Hawaii.  The vacation is a one week vacation after that our prom comes up.

"Alex would five bars of snickers be okay? " ivy asked going through a number of chocolate on the show glass

"nope, 15" I answered throwing in 15 bars of snickers with two packet  of bubbles gum in the shopping basket

"I have a feeling tomorrow is gonna be great " Ivy said pulling pulling a big bowl of ice cream in her basket  "I'm going have my boyfriend with me all day"

"yeah yeah,  kissing his ass" I roll my eyes  "but it's kinda cool that we are done with highschool and entering college "

"damn, hot college guys"

"Ivy, you have a fucking boyfriend and that boyfriend is my brother " I glared at her

"geez allow me live a little but I love Tyler so much to think of another guy" she blushed

"awwmnn, you two are cute " what they really had was love.  The same love I still havent felt.

"What is it like to be in love?" I asked , I honestly use to wonder

"love is complicated. Love is bitter and sweet " was all she said


I threw open my camouflage trolley bag, Time to pack.  I grab my cosmetics from my dressing table and threw it in, I grab some few clothes, comfy footwear, a number of underwear, swimwear, scarfs, sunglasses,  sunscreen cream and other stuffs I will need.

I checked my camera, laptop, selfie stick and water proof phone case to make sure they are all in good state before putting it in my small duffle bag.

By the time I was done with packing I was already so exhausted, so I just hop in my bed, pull the duvet over my body and slept off.

*Next morning *
"Alex wake up" Taylor said knocking aggressively

"I'm awake " I yelled as I stirred and opened my eyes, the ray of sunshine that entered my room through the window made me shut them close immediately

Damn i overslept. I immediately got down from my bed and start to clean up and get dressed. I put on ash color sweatpants with a matching ash top, packed my hair in a pony tail and applied strawberry flavour lip gloss on my lips .

Our flight leaves by 8am and it's already 7;30am. Screw me.

"I'm ready " I yelled running down the stairs pulling my baggage behind me

"Thanks a bunch for making us late" Taylor rolled her eyes at me

"c'mon I would drop you at the airport " my mum said gulping a glass of water


We got our baggage checked and it was time to enter the plane.

"Bye mum" we kissed her goodbye and walked to join the others where we would all enter the plane together.

"bitches!!! " Helen smirked as we approached them

"keep your voice low dude" Tyler rolled his eyes at her and then he walked towards Ivy whose face was burning red as I result of excessive blushing

"ewwww,  gross"  I looked away as Ivy and Tyler started eating each other face "we are in public for Christ sake, you could just wait till we get into the plane" I rolled my eyes earning a chuckle from the others.

We were all standing in a long queue with other travelers that was moving very slow because the officers decided to check us again before we enter the plane.

"shit " Tristan cuss behind me "could have just used my private jet"
I ignore him and simply roll my eyes
According to our ticket he happen to be seating beside me.

I sigh as I entered into the plane
"finally " I mumbled clutching my baggage beside me

I counted. seat 21,22,23,24,25,26, yes 27.i gently tucked my mini trolley in the overhead wheel bin and plop my butts in my seat. I buckled my seat belt,  wrapped my hair in a dun after which my scarf round my neck and drifted to sleep. yes that's how I enjoy my flight. most people listened to music, played games, watch movies and stuff but I prefer sleeping to anything else.


"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your co pilot and we'll be landing in a few minute and the temperature there is 49°F, Please put on your seat belt, shutdown laptops and put phone in flight mode" someone said through the speaker,making jolt out of my short sleep.

jeez did I  just say short, I slept during the entire flight. That is about 5hr 30 mins or even more.

I stirred, open my eyes and looked around. Tristan was by my side staring at me
"wipe the drool off your chin " he said and looked away

"is this yours? " I asked referring to the strange jacket I was putting on

"yeah, you can have it " he replied without looking at me
I looked behind me Ivy was fast asleep her head rest on Tyler shoulder while he uses his phone , Helen and Winnie was sitting together digging in cookies and cream, Kyle and Taylor listening to music together and Wesley with Donny was with their phones. Playing games I guess.

"Passengers we just landed, Your luggage will be collected on the 34B belt, thank you for traveling with us "

We just arrived Hawaii


I uploaded three chapters today and I feel so great
Well I was bored 😌
Please vote!

I love anything camouflage 😍

And to make something clear, everyone have their own definition of  what LOVE is

Bye lovelies
Stay tuned and watch for next update
Brainnie ♥

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