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"Who's the hot dude?" Helen asked letting me in.
"His name is Cole" I rolled my eyes taking off my flats.
" Alex, what the hell is wrong with you, what if mum came home and asked me where you were" Taylor yelled at me.
"I'm sorry, I guess I'm home now" I rolled my eyes.
" who's Cole?" she asked
" some guy I met at the coffee shop"
" Alex I swear if you ever make me panic, I will whoop your ass"
"Yes mummy " I rolled my eyes heading for my room.

"woman are you listening to me?" Ivy snapped me out of my thoughts.
We just finished eating dinner and here I was sketching on my sketchpad on the kitchen floor. Ivy volunteered to wash the dishes so I had to keep her company, not like she would do the same for me anyway.
"em-um, what were you saying?"
"I said Tyler and I had our first kiss today " she beamed a smile "man, he is gooood"
"hey, it's my brother we are talking about here" I rolled my eyes "you don't expect me to imagine how good my brother is at making out"
"you're my best friend, I can't help it"
"so when did you realize your feelings for Tyler? "
"it's been like forever ago, y'all were probably not observant enough to notice "
"sorry to burst your bubble we knew" I deadpanned
"how?" well I didn't get the chance to answer because the next thing that happened was Taylor barging into the kitchen.
"You two get your self to the dining room, we're doing something we haven't done in a while"
"We're doing? " I asked playing with the pen I my hand
"Dirty truth or dare " she(Taylor) winked at nobody in particular
"but tomorrow is a school day" Ivy said rolling her eyes .
"C'mon we haven't done this in a while and we're all kinda bored"
"I'm not interested" I rolled my eyes
"you don't have a choice". I sighed, I never have my way.

"So we know the rules. We take turns to spin the bottle whoever it stops at get to do the truth or dare before the count of three, if she doesn't, she takes off her top and if he doesn't, he takes off his shorts" Helen announced with a smile "I'll spin first".

Helen spun the bottle and it stopped at Donny
"Did it have to be me" Donny whined making us chuckle.
" truth or dare? " Helen smirked
" Dare, I'm fearless " Donny boasted and we chuckled once again.
" Alright Mr fearless, I dare you to lick Tristan's toes" we all burst into laughter except Donny who wasn't finding it funny.
" oh c'mon man" Tristan mocked Donny raising his foot and resting it om the table .
"ewwwwww , it's not fair" Donny whined.
" your time starts now Mr " Helen smirked
" okay, okay, I better just take it off"
"my turn" Winnie beamed as she spun the bottle and it stopped at me, perfect.
"truth or dare "
"truth "
"who was your first kiss?" nice one I thought. Sarcasm.
"Tristan" silence engulfed .
" what do you mean, my best friend was your first kiss?" Tyler raged in anger. "so you were messing around with my little sister" Tyler said facing Tristan this time around.
"Tyler chill" Taylor said
" when was it? "
" 2yrs ago"
" Tyler leave it, you are dating her best friend so don't start sh*it" Taylor said glaring at Tyler "I'll spin next"
It stopped at Helen "truth or dare? "
"truth "
" your bra size" Taylor gave a wicked smile
"fu*k, who cares about my bra size" Helen snapped
" we do baby girl" Donny smirked
" shut up" Helen glared at Donny
" baby your time starts now" Taylor smirked.
" 38" Helen muttered
" nice size" Kyle chuckled.
" shut up" Helen and Taylor said in unison giving him(kyle) death glares making us burst into laughter.
" Awwwwwnnnn you are so cute when are you are jealous" Winnie chipped in.
" I'm not jealous " Taylor rolled her eyes passing the bottle to Wesley "your turn "
Wesley spins the bottle and it stops at Taylor.
" truth or dare? "
"kiss Tristan"
" what!!!, I have a boyfriend "
" and I'm right here " Kyle threw a punch at Wesley.

Well the game came to an end. Wesley had to go home, actually Tyler who is so pissed sent him out and I'm thankful for that, I'm finally able to go to bed but I just have this feeling that Wesley dared Taylor to kiss Tristan probably to get me jealous or something. Like heck what was he thinking!


I hope u enjoyed it 😗
I tried my best, I actually wrote it in a hurry.

These days are really stressful for me, am going through alot which I will definitely scale through. My updates won't be as usual but I will try my best to update at least 2 to 3 chapters a week.

Pls vote and comment 🙏

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