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Someone asked me what made me use Alex as my main character and I simply replied when I'm writing about Alex I think about myself
Yeah Alex thinks like me

Oh yeah Brainnie is still alive 😂😂😂
I haven't forgotten about y'all, I think of you guys when I wake up and before I sleep, I'm actually in love with y'all😁😁

I'm currently working on a contract with Webnovel, check out my work "HATES" on Webnovel.
Brains is never tired of spending money 😜

I'm preparing for an exam pray for me.

Pray for Nigeria, yeah I'm a Nigerian and alot are happening over here . I'm heart broken, 20-10-2020 is the day we would always remember.
May the souls of those who died fighting for Nigeria rest in peace. They are the heroes of our land
Though the pain may be much now but we will surely overcome.
The time is set, it's now we fight and pray for our country or never

Stay safe please....
Anyone send me a message I'm bored and yeah follow me if you aren't .

To make things clear I don't write for fame I write out of passion
please vote!


The party had gone halfway and here I was drinking my fifth shot with Tristan by my side who was constantly nagging about how I'm going to have a hangover or even pass out. Well who cares

I gulped down the drink and belched, I'm beginning to feel dizzy but today I'm going to live life, my best friend and Taylor are on the dance floor with their boyfriends , Winnie happened to be drinking with Donny I don't know how it happened but it did and you know Helen yeah she keeps fucking around poor me have got noone, I'm all alone even when I have Tristan beside me, I feel like we're both in love with each other but it isn't possible, he's a player. Why the hell am I being emotional today!

"Alex for fuck sake you would pass out, I'm taking you home" Tristan yelled tighten his hand around my wrist

"Let me be!" I winced in pain "I would just use the restroom "

"fine " he agreed after much hesitation "I give you ten minutes"

"stop acting like an over protective senior bro dude" I said before walking away.

I washed my hands and mouth in the faucet and was drying my hands in the hand dryer when a girl walked in, she was putting on a simple outfit just a long loose gown, she wrapped her hair up, she was putting on shades and had a small purse in her hand.  Well I have a bad feeling about her been around me ,this feeling you get when a gun is pointed to you by some serial killer, yeah you would think I'm taking it far but it's exactly  how I feel.

"hey" she smiled at me

OKay I have seen her before, somewhere I can't remember, her smile looks familiar and Same thing with her voice

"em-em, hi" I faked a smile and walked out immediately

"Alex I thought you passed out " Tristan said to me as I walked out

"I'm old enough to take care of myself" I spat

"c'mon let's party hard" Tristan Said pulling me by my waist to the dance floor

I snaked my hands around his neck while he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer as we danced, our body moving together in perfect.  I looked into his eyes. His eyes telling me he loves me, he cares about me and he wants me.

"teddy bear " he said softly pressing his lips against my neck

"stan" I moaned. Damn i love this feeling

"always be by my side" he said against my neck

I nod positive with a little smile plastered on my lips

Sorry for short chapter 😫
Who do you think the familiar strange girl is?
This book is coming to an end...
Stay tuned
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Follow me up on instagram @isimhankhomen I would follow back and feel free to message me

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