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"arghh"I groaned as the piercing sound of my ringing tone awoke me. I stretched out my hand and grabbed my phone from my bed side drawer. "Why is Tristan calling?"

"Is little princess up for a ride after school?" oh today is Monday I thought.

"is it a date?" I smiled

"If you say so"


"be ready in 10mins, I'll pick you up, we're going to school together"

"I could just follow Tyler and Taylor you know "

"but I want to go with you"

"alright see you soon" I hung up

I almost immediately slid into my messages, I had about four new ones.
One from Ivy saying she would meet me in school by the girls locker room.

the second one was from Cole asking if I'm up for a date. A smile crept my face as I replied 'will talk to you when I'm back, I'm already taken😂😂 '

The third one was from Wesley saying he would like to see me after school and I quickly replied 'I'm sorry, I'm going to be busy " it's been a while though.

The fourth one was sent from Tristan last night saying 'Goodnight teddie' and I simply replied with a love emoji.

After I showered I tied my wet hair in a  messy bun and walked out of the bathroom. Confused on what to wear I threw on a pair of black sweatpants and a white body hug crop top, I decided to finish off with a pair of white converse.

my phone beeped, it was a text from Tristan saying 'look through your window 😂' and I immediately did so. True to his words he parked his car in the walk way a little bit far from my house.

"you're leaving now?" Taylor asked when I bumped into her in the hall
"oh yeah, see you at school" I hurried down the stairs.
I bet I've got some explaining to do when I get back.

I sighed as I hopped into the passenger seat in front.
"just take me for breakfast, I'm starving" I muttered whilst buckling the seatbelt.

"at your service ma'am" he chuckled speeding off  "where do you want to go?"

"anywhere is okay "

"no decide, what do you want? "

"Okay McDonalds"


The drive to McDonalds was kinda awkward, I guess we both ran out of words and didn't know what to tell each other so we just sat in silence
"We're here" Tristan said, finally breaking the silence whilst the car came to a halt at the McDonalds parking lot.

"I know" I rolled my eyes helping myself out of the car.

"Couldn't you just let me help you out of the car"

"Nah, you know you really need to stop acting like you're a gentleman when we know you are not" I chuckled.

"Ouch that hurts" he pouted, gently taking my hand in his and putting on his shades. I couldn't help but smile " jeez are you blushing” he grinned

"Oh please shut up" I playfully hit him

We got into the restaurant and ordered our breakfast, he decided to choose a regular breakfast meal for himself, pancake and syrup while I chose two chicken burgers and fries with a mega coke.
"Is that what you would like to have for breakfast?" He asked

" Yap" I replied popping the p. It's actually what I order whenever I come to McDonalds.



After we finished breakfast we hurried to school. Even after the rush we missed first period just perfect, more explaining to do.


Its finally break time and here I was seated in the cafeteria with the girls. They were talking about girly stuff, latest fashion trends, places they would love to go and so on but I wasn't interested. I was in my own world entirely and all that was on my mind was Tristan.

"argh" I groaned out, running my fingers through my hair. I shouldn't be feeling this way, it's so fucking frustrating.

"Al, are you okay?" Ivy asked

"Oh yes, I'm fine" I wished I hadn't done that out loud.

"that reminds me, I saw the car so whats up" Taylor said aloud

"um-em I had to catch up with someone" I said sipping my drink.

"Huh, with Tristan?" Taylor asked

"Okay  we went out for breakfast nothing more" I rolled my eyes

"So when are you guys gonna be a thing?" Ivy asked grinning

"when I become an aunt, aren't you and Tyler going to make me one soon?" I deadpanned making everyone burst into laughter.

"you should actually tell Tyler that, he's the man" Ivy chuckled

"On a more serious note, I really don't know what you two are waiting for" Helen chipped in "if you both are in love why not take a bigger step"

"Who said we're in love?" I  rolled my eyes "look, y'all know Tristan is a playboy and there can never be an us"

"what if... -" Taylor

"can we just drop it?" I almost yelled

"fine" Taylor rolled her eyes.

"thanks" I mumbled

"but I see the way Tristan looks at you, he know " Helen grinned

"yes I agree " they all say in unison

"y'all should think whatever you want. I give up" I glared at them

Guess what?
I really need to finish writing this book before 28th of September 😥😥.

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