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"momma I already finished my cereals can I have  strawberry ice-cream now ?"

"sure but I have to be done with cleaning and I have eaten breakfast with daddy " I said to Ava our little girl.

"is daddy coming with us? " she asked grabbing a pink carton from the fruit bowl and a plain sheet of paper

"sure baby, he will be down in ten" I said setting the table for our breakfast 

"can dad say no to his cute princess? " Tristan said smiling as he walked down the stairs

"Daddy" Ava squealed

"yes princess " Tristan kissed Ava on her cheek before kissing me on my lips

"you slept well? " I asked him

"kinda till you left me early this morning "

"sorry had to prepare breakfast "I giggled

It's been six years since Tristan asked me to be his girlfriend and truth be told it's been good together, he has treated me like a queen since then, though we do fight atimes like get into an agruement but I do think it's very much normal.

These six years had been a fulfilling one for us all. After highschool we all went our different ways but still kept in touch with each other.

Tyler and Ivy just wedded last year October and expecting a baby girl soon,  Kyle cheated on Taylor with Winnie so they had to end their relationship so far she has been doing good, she's currently a famous fashion designer in LA I can say she's even better off without Kyle

As for Sarah well I guess she and Cole still need some more time to realize they are in love. Sarah is a medical doctor and Cole a music idol.

I can't really say much about  Helen and Wesley all I can say is Helen is traveling around the world making huge money and Wesley is into professional wrestling.

I and Tristan had both travelled to newyork for colledge, it was over there we had Ava our little girl at first I thought Tristan won't want to be a dad just yet but he has actually been the best dad ever, fours years after we finished college and got married.

This book is done and dusted
Thanks so much for your support .
I love to hear from my readers so feel free to send me a message it could be corcening my work or anything you wish.

Thanks once again
Bye lovelies

I'm Brainnie

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