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"you are awake " Tristan took me by surprise "you should be sleeping"
"yeah I missed dinner, I will just eat in my room" I walked past him trying to avoid eye contact.
"how about this" he pulled me back grabbing my waist.
"Tristan what the hell, are you drunk?" he ignored me gently taking the milk and toast and placing it on the table."Tristan you are crazy" and again he ignored me and aggressively devoured my lips, I wanted to push him away but a part of me really liked how his lips tasted against mine. I found myself comparing his kiss to the one I had with Wesley and damnnn he is good!. The whole me felt jelly like, I knew I should stop him but No I loved the feeling. I was actually kissing him back, my fingers entwined in his hair,emotions sweeping over me. His hands slipped from my waist to my butt and he grabbed me hard "Tristan" I moaned and just when I was about to lose myself he pulled away.
"You are just like every other girl I have met, a slut" he said looking into my eyes for a while, then he walked away. Those thirteen words made my brain cease, he screwed me up again. I tried to hold back my tears but I couldn't I just couldn't. I broke down and found myself on thekitchen floor. I was hurt, I kissed Wesley and now Tristan my brother's best friends. After everything I f*cking kissed Tristan again,why the hell didn't I push him away I'm so stupid. He f*cking called me a sl*t.

"Al wake-up, we are late for school" Ivy gently tapped my arm.
"Argh" I groaned rubbing my sleepy eyes. The last thing I remember from last night was that I cried myself to sleep. Then it hit me why I cried , 'cause I had kissed my brother's best friends. I just have to keep the memories behind me.
"hurry up, get ready"
I reluctantly cleaned up, threw on a black crop top and blue Jean pinafore with black glittery sneakers, I had my hair down. I checked my phone and saw that I had one new unread message from an unknown contact that read "Teddy bear ❤" I knew it was from Tristan 'cause only him calls me teddy bear. I ignored the text and tucked my phone in my side pocket.


Ivy and I walked downstairs to have breakfast with the others and the first person I saw was Tristan, just perfect. I walked past him heading for the kitchen but I bet his eyes were on me.
"heyyyyy" I smiled at Taylor who was preparing sandwich filling.
"how was your night?" she smiled at me and kissed my forehead.
"it was cool"
"I made sandwich,tea is on the table "
"thanks "

I walked to the dining room were the rest were, Tyler, Ivy, Helen, Winnie, Tristan, Wesley, Kyle and Donny. They were talking about Friday's party.

"we are definitely going for shopping after school" Helen squealed in excitement "black gown, silver heels"
"girl I can't wait "Winnie said with a huge smile.
"where's the party taking place?" I asked dumping my ass beside Tyler trying really hard to not make eye contact with Tristan and Wesley.
"here" Tyler replied
"what do you mean here, we have never had a party"
"yeah, I guess that's the more reason we should have one." Tyler raised his mug to his lips.
"I will just stay upstairs and watch a movie" Ivy spoke out for the first time since we sat at the dining table.
"we could order pizza" I chipped in
"hell no, you two are going to be at the party" Taylor walked in. I know Taylor will definitely win the fight so I just said nothing and kept eating my breakfast.


As usual the driver dropped us at school and we went our separate ways until they rung the bell for first period.
"morning everyone" Mrs Irvine said walking in with two new girls who were probably sisters cause they looked very much alike "we have two new students Olivia parker and Sarah parker, please be nice to them. Alex you are one of my best students, do the honours by showing them around "Mrs Irvine smiled at me
"okay ma'am "
Olivia and Sarah might be sisters but they are clearly different even at first sight.
Olivia is tall, thick, she had long black curly hair and she had on blue jean shorts which exposed her tanned skin, yellow tank top and black ankle boots . By her looks you could see her personality, proud and bossy. On the other hand was Sarah, she looked more like a nerd she had on medicated glasses and braces. Her outfit was simple, grey Jean pants, black oversized top with black sneakers. I bet we would become best of friends.
They rung the bell soon enough for lunch time and as usual I and Tristan said nothing to each other.
"Teddy bear, can we meet? like talk" Tristan hasn't called me that in a while and its been like 2 years so it kinda made me surprised.
"OMG you're Tristan Thompson" Olivia gasped "how the hell didn't I notice long ago, OMG please help take a picture of us together" Olivia handed her phone to Sarah and wrapped her hands around Tristan "make sure it's flawless" I just roll my eyes "can we hangout after school? "
"um-em am busy" Tristan immediately replied.
"ouch maybe some other time" seriously, flirting with someone she just met today some girls make me wonder.
"Alex" he kinda said in a whisper, Olivia giving me a death glare made me roll my eyes for the one hundredth and one time.
"I will be showing Olivia and Sarah around, see you at home, probably" I faked a smile and pulled my clique along Sarah and Olivia. Ivy had gone out with the others earlier on
"you two live together? " Olivia asked
"OMG can I come to your house after school? pleassssseee"
"nah, my mum won't be cool with it" I lied there was no way I was gonna allow a crazy teen move around my house and again it proved their differences, Olivia is the loud mouth and Sarah is the quite one
"there's always gonna be a second time" she smiled dreamily.

"Hey sis " I kissed Taylor's cheek and sat beside her "oh, let me introduce u guys, Guys meet Olivia and Sarah"
"we know their names, Mrs Irvine introduced them earlier remember? " Helen rolled her eyes
"whatever" I deadpanned "Sarah, Olivia this is Ivy my amazing best friend" Ivy smiled waving her hand "This is Helen the crazy one"
"Hey" Helen flashed her set of sparking dental.
"And this is Winnie she's calm and reserved" Winnie just smiled in response.
"And this is Taylor my sister and Tyler my brother" Taylor smiled at her while Tyler gave a thumbs up
"And that is Wesley, it's fun being around him, that's Kyle, Taylor's boyfriend and his best friend Donny and lastly Tristan Thompson aka Mr playboy you already met him" At the mention of aka playboy everyone burst into laughter.
"ouch I'm not that bad"Tristan whined
"whatever y'all know who I am Alex Dennis" I gave a lottery smile before I eventually ate my lunch.

Much love from

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