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"Argh its morning again" I groaned. I'm not a morning person and I hate Monday mornings especially. I just force my butts out of my king size California bed. I walked to my bathroom to cleanup and looking at my reflection in the huge standing mirror, my hair was in a big mess, my face was as rough as hell, obviously not what I was expecting. I quickly washed the morning breath from my mouth, blow dried my hair and took a warm shower. Wrapping myself in a big white cotton towel, I was out of the bathroom.

I pulled out a wine coloured high waist button down straight skirt, a white tank top and wine colored flats to match. After I had brushed my straight red hair and had applied my mascara and chapstick, I was ready for school.

"HEY mum" I smiled. The aroma of bacon and egg filled the kitchen, my mum is the best.
"Hey sweetie "I hugged her and she kissed my forehead "how was your night ?" she asked flipping the bacon in the sauce pan.
"cool mum but I'm hungry "I pouted.
"You always wake up hungry " she playfully rubbed my hair "well good thing is breakfast is ready " she smiled at me and handed me my plate of bacon and scrambled eggs.
"Thanks mum"

"Hey y'all " I sat in a vacant seat
"Hey sis" Tyler and Taylor said in unison as they munched on their breakfast.
"I can't believe this is our last year in highschool " Tyler said cheerfully
"Best year ever" I smiled cutting from my bacon.
"The difference is Mrs Irvine gets to make a new seat chat" Taylor rolled her eyes.
"Anyways it's gonna be fun"Tyler said devouring his bacon.
"How about you end up being seat mates with Kendra for the rest of the year " Taylor smiled knowing fully well how Tyler dislikes Kendra.
"Don't even go there, the last time Mr Dave paired me with her in literature class I had some lipstick print on my collar and I became the school news. That isn't happening a second time." Tyler said out loud and I and Taylor burst into laughter, I love these two.

I have a small family. My mum ,Tyler Taylor and I. They are all I have, I'm the last child, Tyler and Taylor are twins but Tyler is older by 6mintues funny right? yap and one more thing am the smartest. In elementary, I skipped a class so now I'm in the same class as Tyler and Taylor and by the way I'm Alex, Alex Dennis.

The driver dropped us at school and we walked our separate ways. I walked to my locker and found Ivy by her locker which happens to be next to mine. Ivy is my BFF and guess what we got promoted together.

"Hey b "I tickled her sides and she squealed
"Alex! "
" you scared me" she playfully hits my arm
"Missed me? "I gave a lottery smile.
"Nope, we met just last night not enough to miss u"she teased me
"ouch that hurts "
"awnnn mission accomplished "she chuckled
"I hate u"
"love u b"she pulled me into a hug "c'mon girl lets get to class we don't wanna be late on our first day as seniors. " she pulled me by my arm and we went to class.
"just in time" I murmured as the bell rung for first period.

Just as Taylor predicted earlier, Mrs Irvine was making a new seating chat
"Seat one Wesley Scott and Max Dickson, seat two Bella Swift and Dora Michael "
"yessss!!! Bella and Dora squealed in excitement.
"Seat three Winnie Blue and Helen Evans, seat four Kendra Downs and Kimberley Browns, seat five Alex Dennis and Tristan Thompson "Mrs Irvine paused probably to catch her breath. Holy shit did she just say Tristan?" "Alex and Tristan get inside "
"Yes ma'am"
"Seat five Taylor Dennis and Kyle Don"
"yessss!!! " Taylor screamed in excitement as she hugged Kyle who happens to be her boyfriend
"Seat six Tyler Dennis and Ivy Carter ,looks like I'm dealing with the Dennis' this year"
The list went on and on. Well the good thing is I got my BFF and bro at my back and my sister beside me. Poor me got stuck with a big time jerk. Tristan being my seat mate is making this year my worst year in high school

Tristan Thompson is a popular celebrity. he's a music artist, he also plays guitar and his a model so he's really popular not just in school but world wide and you should know his filthy rich.he's hot as hell with charming Emerald green eyes, extraordinary handsome with a perfect jawline, tanned skin, dark shiny hair, and he's really tall about six ft. Every girl in school has a crush on him but do I? Nah the word LOVE does not exist in his dictionary AT ALL. He's a big time player but girls don't really mind. Tons and tons of girls keep throwing themselves on him making him feel like a Greek god just because a kid sings on stage. LAME. One more thing is he's always at my house. Well I can't blame him, the paparazzi keeps following him around. Himself, Tyler and Wesley are BFFs. We use to get along pretty well until we had our first kiss during my third year in highschool. We were all hanging at my house that night and we decided to play 10mins in heaven and boom it was our first kiss and my very first. Ever since then he treated me like trash like who cares anymore.

Three periods passed and I couldn't be thankful enough. I won't have to breath the same air as Tristan and thanks to my lucky stars, he didn't say a word to me throughout the class. I pulled Ivy out of the class with my purse and phone the moment the teacher left.

"Hey sis care to join at our table?" Taylor asked out of the blue
I ordered Bagel and lemon squash and Ivy ordered the same. What will I be without junk food. We joined the other at the table with Helen, Winnie and Taylor.
"so how was class?" Taylor asked biting from her sandwich, yup she and her BFFs Helen and Winnie ordered for sandwich.
"boring " I deadpanned "I got stuck with a moron" everyone on the table burst into laughter.
"the moron likes you ,you know? "Taylor said in a whisper winking at me.
"sacarsm "I deadpanned again

I just hope this year doesn't turn out to be my worst year in high school.

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Much love -Brains❤

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