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It took me time looking for a suitable blue dinner gown
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The piercing sound of my ringing tone awoke me.
"arghhhhh" I groaned as I grab my phone from my bedside table. I checked my caller Cole and then the time it read 10pm. Shit I forgot to meet up with Cole.

"I guess you were to tired to meet up again" he said from the other end of the call

"Cole I'm sorry, I actually forgot "

"it's not too late, get dressed, I would be there in 5"

"okay " I hung up
Arghhh my beauty sleep is all ruined

I threw on a black sweatpants and white loosed shirt. I don't have much energy I'm actually still feeling sleepy so I simply just brush my hair down and apply a pink champstick on my lips

"so where are we going ?" I asked as I buckled my seat belt

"Grab a bite , it's the only good place close by"

"oh,  would they still be opened? " I asked because Grab a bite usually closes at 9pm

"yeah, I talked to the manager "


"yes and I met Sarah today " he grinned

"huh, how come?"

"while you were out with your lover boy, I was out with Sarah " he chuckled

"lover boy? " I glared at him "seems you really like Sarah "

"she's just a pure soul, she kinda cute and shy,  the way her hair bounce as she walks, the way her lips curves when she smile, the way she swings her tiny waist... -"

"oh, jeez, that's creepy " I rolled my eyes

"can't help it " he chuckled

Few minutes later, the car pulled in front of Grab a bite.
"I would help you out " Cole said rushing to my side

"thanks " I said as I step down "we're the only ones who is here right? "


We walked in and just as he had said the place was empty and quiet

"OMG, you are the new music artist, can I get your autograph? " the waitress on duty for the night I guessed gasp

"sure" he smiled

"I listened to your song and it sounded so beautiful, I think you would outstand  the present Mr popular, Tristan Thompson" she said playing with her hair, obviously flirting

"can you try acting professional" I snapped at her

"em-emm, you are welcome to Grab a bite,  sir do you have a reservation? " she glared at me


"please follow me " and we did

"just bottled water " I said whilst sitting

"you sure,  the have varieties of pizza here" Cole said

"nah I'm fine, it's past 10pm and I already had pizza today " I smiled at him

"how about sandwich?" he asked

"I'm fine "

"okay, two bottled water" he said to the waitress

"so were you mad at her because she compared Tristan with me? " he chuckled making me glare at him "you and Tristan what's going on?"

"it's nothing "

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