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I just finished having breakfast and I'm getting ready to leave the house. Taylor is out with Kyle, Tyler is out with Ivy and mum you already know the routine. Work.

I threw on a black crop top and blue ripped jeans, I packed my hair in a pony tail and applied my strawberry flavoured lip gloss. Bree had called me earlier to come over and help baby sit Mae, since I'm bored at home and have nothing to do so I agreed, thinking about it Tristan isn't even going to be around so it would be drama free.

I grabbed dad's old car key from the empty fruit bowl and hurriedly walked out. I checked my watch and it was 10:26am, I should be in the Thompson's penthouse before 11.

My ringtone went off making me slow down and park by the side of the road.
I dug my free hand in my purse to pull out my phone with my other hand on the steering. It was Tristan calling.

I sighed as I let the call go to voicemail. I'm not ready for his shit, at times he seems bipolar to me.*honk honk* a white jeep honked behind me making me start the car and drive off.

I looked in my side mirror from time to time and surprisingly the white jeep was still behind me.
"Am I being followed?" I whispered to myself stepping on the brakes and surprisingly the white jeep also hit its brakes. "Okay now I know I'm being followed" but I couldn't make out why.

I decided to stop at an ice cream parlour that was on the road. I didn't know what whoever was stalking me had in mind or why I was being followed, I also remember I was being stalked in Cole's party, I started to get kinda scared so to be safe I had to stop by an ice cream parlour and it wasn't a bad idea cause I used the opportunity to buy two bowls of ice cream for Mae.

After making sure the white jeep was  no longer in sight, I hopped in the car and drove off immediately. I was already behind time all thanks to my stalker.

”Alex" Mae squealed running towards me with open arms.

"Mae" I carried her to my chest and she wrapped her legs around my torso.

"mama said you're sleeping ober tonight, would you? pleaseee?" She pleaded.

"Of course I will" I smiled at her. "guess what?"

"Is big brother coming home?" She asked rubbing her little chin. She addresses Tristan as big brother

"Nah, not yet" I pinched her cheeks softly "tada" I squealed raising the ice cream I bought earlier.

"For me?"

"yap and we're gonna make popcorn when mama leaves" I said giving her one bowl of ice cream.

"ice cream" she giggled

"I'll be there soon" Bree walked in obviously making a phone call "bye"

"I'm so sorry I came late" I apologize immediately she hung up.

"Its okay, I got to go now, please take care of Mae"


"Bye mama"

"Oh my baby girl, mama would be home by tomorrow when u wake up okay?" Bree kissed Mae's cheeks

Sorry for the short chapter
Guess what? 😁

'Now and forever' has a new title which also means a new book cover.
I really appreciate y'all
Shout out to all my active readers

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