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Here I was sitting in the balcony of my lounge with Ariana Grande songs streaming in my ear and going through my instagram feeds, actually I was on the famous Tristan Thompson's page going through his post.

I caught myself grinning like an idiot as I scrolled down. He had over a million followers and likes, he had posted a thousands of sexy pictures looking like a damn greek god. Did I just call him sexy?. I mentally face palm myself

It's currently past 10pm and I'm all alone because my best friend decided to ditch me just to make out with her boyfriend.

Looking up at the sky, I thought of my mum and decided to call her, I haven't called her since we arrived . I dailed her number and she picked up immediately

"hey mum"

"Alex you okay? " she asked worried

"yeah " I smile

"and the rest? " she asked

"we are all good, we arrived hours ago" I answered

"I'm busy right now, I'm on night duty, please take care of yourself and no drinking, tell the others "


"call me if anything goes wrong, bye" she hung up

"Maybe I should just go to bed" I mumbled walking inside my room and closing the curtains.

I jumped on my bed and tried to sleep but sleep wasn't coming, I kept thinking of someone.

Am i really falling for him, I thought

I made up my mind to stay away from him,  we have gotten too close and I don't want to start having unhealthy feelings. He can't love me, his a player, he would only play with my feelings when he realize I'm falling for him,use me till I become a piece of rag to him and then he would dump me.

I woke up and noticed a arm wrapped around my waist, it was Ivy. I wondered  when she had come in last night.

I gently let go of her arms and walked in the bathroom to clean up. After my usual routine, I walked out of the bathroom to dress up, I decided to take a look at the ocean before the rest wake up.

I wore a 2pieces ocean blue biniki and my dads old tee-shirt that stopped below my bottom. Yes I still have my dads old clothes and surprisingly it still had his scent.

It would be less busy, because the day just began and people would probably still be in bed.

Surprisingly I wasn't the only one who thought that way. The one person I didn't want to see around me was standing few inches away from me. Tristan .

"hey " he grinned waving at me
I simply wave back  "you aren't going to even look at me?"

"I'm off to swim" I walked pass him

"come with me " he pulled me towards the shade against me will,  I tried getting away from his grip but  he was far stronger than me

"what the hell" I yelled  "are you a psycho?"

He pinned me against the wall and wrapped his hands around my neck. His lips met mine, making the butterflies in my stomach wake up from their long sleep. Throwing my arms around his neck, I kissed him back . He licked my lower lips asking for entrance, a part of wanted to push him away but I was helplessly enjoying the feeling for his lips against mine.

"Tristan..." I moaned and he took advantage, his tongue intertwined with mine, battling for dominance and winning it.  I wanted more,

I ran all the way to my lounge, panting heavily as I knocked on the door hoping Ivy was in.

"heyyyy, just woke up " Ivy opened up letting me in, her hair looking like a bird nest

"it's fine "

"you went out to swim? " she asked

"yeah,  I will be off to shower, you can go for breakfast, I will join y'all " honestly I had no plan to join them,  I wanted to be left alone

"I'm hungry as hell, I just going to throw on something and leave"

"cool" I replied entering into the big bathroom.
I need to wash  off  Tristans touch.

After I was done with showering, I walked out of the bathroom and was checking for a suitable dress to wear when my phone buzzed on my bed.

I checked it, it was on a message from an unknown contact.  It read;

'Meet me at room 211, come alone!!!.
I know you are alone  in your room,  you just met Tristan and right now your little friends are having breakfast.
I am expecting you in ten minutes, don't  even dare keep me waiting, just  one call your family and little friends are gone,
Don't think of running I'm watching you'

At first I was confused about it, who is it and what do they want from me, but I decided to go even when a part of me didn't want to.
To avoid unnecessary questions and attention I made up my mind to go without telling anyone,  I know it's risky but who knows I may be putting their life in danger.

I put on a yellow sun dress and tied my hair in a messy bun. I have just 6mins more so I didnt have much time to doll up, I don't even know who it was.

Room 211 was on the forth floor so I had to use the elevator. I ran to the elevator in a rush and luckily it was free

My heart was beating so fast,  fear took over me as I knocked on the door with my hands shaking.  I discovered my palm was already sweating.

"you are late..."

Hello happy reading my happy readers!!!
I know it's been long Tristan and Alex made out, yes I made it so on purpose .
Everyone have the way they see life. There's alot in a relationship than just kissing and having sex so Tristan wants to build a healthy relationship with Alex. A relationship where sex isn't their number one goal, he wants to treat her better than the other girls he had used in the past.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter
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Watch out for next update...

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