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I woke up quite early today, the cold breeze drifting into my room through the windows cooled my nerves.

Its been three weeks since the day I kissed Tristan and he's been avoiding me ever since. I got to admit I missed him like crazy even though he's an annoying ass, and I guess I miss Wesley too. Tyler has been so occupied with Ivy that he still hasn't noticed the awkward behaviour going on between his best friends.

On the other hand are the girls who have been bothering me to open up to them but I know I'll never. I know I made a fu*king deal that I won't hide anything from them anymore but i can't help it. They'll jump into conclusion that I have a crush on Tristan which is impossible. Tristan is a playboy and plus he's my brother's best friend so nothing can happen between us, I think they call it bro code or something.

I hopped off my bed making my way to the balcony. I remember how my dad,my mum,Tyler,Taylor and I would seat in the balcony eating barbecue, watching the moon and the stars at night. I really miss my dad.

On getting to the balcony, I wasn't expecting to see Tyler sitting in there weeping.
"Tyler whats wrong?" I asked placing my hand on his shoulder " is it Ivy?"
" no " he sniffed
" its?"
" Al, you should be sleeping"
" Tyler talk to me"
" Dad" he sniffed tears flowing down his cheek " I missed him so much, I feel like I killed him"
" Tyler you didn't, do you think dad would be happy seeing us this way? he's happy where he is"
" not when I could help him, I left him alone when I knew his condition, I caused his death"
" Tyler" I pulled him into a hug. Call me a liar if I say I don't miss my dad. He was my bestest friend he knew me more than my mum and he was always close when my mum was too busy working.
" I need to be strong for mum, Taylor and you. I have a lots of responsibilities"
" Everything will be fine" I smiled wryly
" should I make coffee for you"
" nah I'll go to bed, I need to sleep a little before its time to prepare for school"

Alone in my room, memories of my dad flooded my mind till I drifted off.

"Al, wakeup" my mum caressed my hair
" shit!!!" I cursed " I forgot to set my alarm last night."
" C'mon get dressed, I'm downstairs preparing breakfast"
I rushed into the bathroom to clean up. I woke up late and now I have twenty minutes to get ready or I'm getting a detention.

I pulled out a plain white tee shirt and short grey jean skirt, I managed to force my feet into an old black converse. Like I said earlier I don't have much time so I just let my hair fall on my shoulders using two hair pins to hold them in place " Did I tell you I have calculus test? Yes, and a new day to face Tristan"

" Gotta go now, see you later" Ivy said running off
" so its true Ivy is dating your brother?"
" yeah" my phone vibrated in my pocket "just a minute" I whispered swiping up to answer the call. It was Bree, Tristan's elder sister.

"Hey" Bree said at the other end " Is this Alex? "
"em-em, yeah" I replied wondering why she was calling me
" please can you come over after school? "
" Why, what's wrong? "
" I need you to baby sit Mae, Mum and Tristan won't be home and I'm on night duty"
" em-em"
" Alex please, I would have called Taylor but Mae gets pretty well along with you"
" mum is Alex coming over?! " I heard three year old Mae in the background
" okay see you at 5" I hung up

" mum I'm off to baby sit Mae" I yelled grabbing my dad's old key from the empty fruit bowl.
" have fun and tell Bree I said hi"
" That's if I remember " I said almost in a whisper as I locked the door behind me.

I rung the doorbell and just in time Bree showed up. She had on a white collar black tee-shirt tucked in a black fitted straight skirt and black flats.

" Hey Bree" I smiled at her making my way to the sitting room.
" Alex!!! " Mae squealed in excitement wrapping her little hands around my knee.
" baby Mae" I smiled at her putting her on my shoulders
" Alex thank you so much, there is cookies and candy in the cabinet, her favourite story book is on her bed" Bree said and smiled at me "mum will be home by day break okay" she kissed Mae who was playing with my hair on her cheek
" will Tristan come home today ?" yeah I really need to know so that I'll keep my guard
" no, is there any problem? "
" nope no problem" I faked a smile
" see you by tomorrow "

I sigh as she closed the door behind her, dumping my back pack on the sofa, I headed for the kitchen with little Mae shaking her rattle behind me." I just hope Tristan doesn't show up, trust me when I signed up to babysit Mae I didn't sign up for drama"
I said in a whisper as I grabbed a small portion of leftover sandwich from the fridge and a handful of candy for Mae thereafter walking out of the kitchen with little Mae tagging along.

I switched on the plasma TV which was much more bigger than the one in my sitting room and helped Mae sit on the couch before sitting beside her.

"Mr Tristan Thompson signs a new contract worth of $3000" the young lady who happens to cast the news read out, she had a big apple laptop on the huge table in front of her.

$3000 wow

"Mr Thompson who is well-known around the world will be acting a new teen series show beginning from January next year and we just can't wait till then"

A photo of Tristan popped up. He was putting on just black sweatpants
"Damn his hot" I said under my breath my eyes fixed on his naked broad chest "Alex shut the crap up this is Tristan you're talking about" I said out loud tilting my head towards Mae hoping she had not heard that, luckily she was asleep .

I switched off the TV, wrapping my arms around Mae and drifted off immediately right on the couch.

I hope y'all enjoyed it 😗😗
Have a nice day ❤

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