Back in The Game

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Pairing- Tom Holland X Reader

Warnings- Eh, nothing much just Tom being CUTE.  Some dancing that could be view as inappropriate I promise it's not

Summary- You meet Tom on a night out dancing, and you guys hit it off

Word Count- 1300+


You couldn't believe your friends made you do this.  This was so weird and very uncomfortable.  They kept pushing you cause you hadn't been on a date in a year after breaking up with your boyfriend.  You liked to act like you didn't care... but you really did.  You missed having a guy around all the time, someone to talk to, to spoil rotten, to kiss, to cuddle.

And your friends did tell you if you made it through the night, and got someone's number they'd give you $200.  How could you say no to that?

But now you were regretting it. You had only been approached by total perverts.  You should have not worn this dress.  A form-fitting, little black dress with lace off the shoulder sleeves, a v neckline.  Your gorgeous hair tumbled down your shoulders in beautiful curls, your lips painted red, and your eyes thick with mascara and powdered with sparkly gold eye shadow

You heaved a sigh, looking around the bar and the dance floor to see if anyone looked attractive. But of course, everyone looked like a pervert or was dancing with a girl.  You stirred your drink a little.

"Just one beer please," a man next to you orders.  He's leaning against the bar and drumming his fingers, but then you notice how hot this man is.  His gorgeous brown hair is tousled with waves, his big brown eyes, a tight white shirt showing off his muscles, and a gray vest over it. You suck in a breath.  My, was this man hot.

Then he looked out you and his mouth parted.

"Woah.  You're stunning," he mumbles.  Your cheeks go red and you look at him.  The man's eyes go wide and he curses under his breath.

"Did I just say that out loud?" he chuckles, putting his head in his hands.  You snort.  He was adorable.

"It's okay.   You're not too bad yourself," you say, giving a crooked smile.  He smiles back and holds out a hand.

"I'm Tom."

"Y/N," you reply and shake his hand.  Tom surveys the bar, and you get a look at his incredible jawline.  Was that even possible?!  His jawline could slice through bread.  Then something clicked in your brain. This man looked vaguely familiar, but you couldn't put your finger on it... 

"Here with someone, yeah?" he asks.  He totally thought you were.  How could someone as stunning as you not have a date?  Your lips were full and red, drawing him in, and you looked gorgeous in that dress.

"Actually no," you say, a little embarrassed, and look back at your drink.  Tom cocks an eyebrow.

"You're kidding me right?"  Tom gasps.  You throw your head back with a laugh.

"Nope, I'm by myself," you repeat.  Tom gives a shake of his head.

"Could I buy you a drink?" he finally asks.  You study him.  He looks sincere and not like a total creep who's going to kidnap you.  You give him a smile.

"Sure," you say.  Tom smirks back and orders you both drinks.  He doesn't take his eyes off of you the whole time as you wait for the drinks.   Your eyes are the most beautiful girl he has ever seen.  Your eyes radiant, your hair tumbling down your shoulders, your lips full and beautiful.

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