The Big Set Surprise

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Pairing- Tom X Reader

Request- Another great request from myspnfamily

This was wonderful! your an amazing writer! If you need anymore ideas don't hesitate to ask. On that topic, could you do one where the reader surprises Tom on set and he freaks out because he wasn't expecting it?

I must answer the call, and right this imagine!!

Warnings- tom being a clingy baby and lots of fluff.

Summary- You surprise Tom onset in the best way yet.

Also, what do y'all think about some Five Hargreevs imagines, and maybe a Loki X Reader imagine that takes place during Thor Ragnarok? Hmm???


~Your POV~

You were giddy with so much excitement you could barely breathe.  You stood on your tiptoes overlooking the crowd, trying to find Harrison.

You couldn't believe after a whole month, in just a few hours you'd finally get to see Tom again.  He had no idea at all, thinking you were just at home watching rom-coms and eating ice cream. But really, you were waiting for Harrison to pick you up from the airport.  He would sneak you onto Tom's set, get you into costume, and the scene would roll.

"Y/N!" a voice calls.  You look over the crowd, to see Harrison throw you a wave.  Oh, it was so good to finally see his face.

"Harrison!" you cry, running up to him and embracing him in a hug.

"How are you?" he asks, helping you with your suitcase as you guys head outside.  You flash him a smile.

"Fantastic.  How's Tom?" you ask with a raise of your eyebrow.  Harrison scoffs and rolls his eyes.

"Y/N, you have no idea.   All he talks about is you.  'Ugh, I miss Y/N' and 'Oh, I just want to see Y/N.'  I'm sorry, but it is getting annoying," Harrison groans, and you laugh.

"Well, the annoyance will be over in a few hours," you say with a wink, and hop in Harrison's car.

~Tom's Pov~

"Tom?  TOM!" a voice yells, and Tom jumps.

"Yeah, sorry what?" he mumbles, rubbing his eyes.  He was on set for his new Spider-Man and totally zoned out thinking about you.  Gosh, did he miss you.  It had been only a month, but it felt like years since he had last seen you.  Felt your hand in his, heard your laugh, kissed your lips.

"You okay?" his director asks.  Tom gave him a nod, but the director shot him a knowing look.

"Yeah, no I'm okay just... miss Y/N, you know?" he says.  The director gave him a pitiful smile.

"Welp, filming will be over in three weeks, and you'll get to see her!  EVERYONE AT YOUR MARKS!" the director calls, giving Tom a pat on his back.  Tom heaved a sigh.  Three weeks seemed like forever.

He pulled on his Spider-Man mask and got into place.


~Your POV~

"I'm not going to get hurt?" you ask, as you zip up your hoodie.  The stunt coordinator shakes her head.

"Nope.  I'll let Tom know this is a fight 3, and he'll go easy on you, assuming you're trained.  None of this is preset, meaning you guys will fight without knowing who's gonna throw what," she explains.  You raise an eyebrow as you pull the mask over your mouth.

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