Imagine Work Days with Tom

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Paring- Tom x Reader (you are an actor, working at home.  Doing home photoshoots, posting on your social media, practicing for upcoming movies, and some online interviews.  Lots of work to do in one day)

Warnings- fLuFf

Summary- Tom helping you with your at-home workday

Btw your apartment is the same thing as the apartment in 'Birthday with Tom'


- he would stay in bed with you till you woke up

-scrolling on his phone, only leaving to start breakfast

-would check on you every five minutes to be there when you wake up

-(assuming he was there when you woke up) he would climb into bed, and snuggle you from behind, putting his face into your neck.

"Good morning darling."


"How'd you sleep?

"*yawn* Slept okay."

*leans over and kisses your forehead*

"I  have coffee ready for you."

"Thanks, babes."

- He'd have your favorite breakfast all warm and ready

-On warm days you guys would eat on the balcony and talk and on cold days in the living room and talk

-After breakfast, you'd get ready for the day; makeup, clothes, hair etc

-Do the live stream update you do every Saturday.

"Hey, lovelies!! So good to see you all Happy Saturday!"

*Tom jumps over the couch, and wraps an arm around you*

"Happy Saturday!!"


"What?!  Just wanted to tell everyone I loves you."

*would lay on your lap, or do something that would be slightly annoying, but you'd have to go on*

"I'll be doing a Q&A live stream at 3 today, don't miss it!"

"Can I come?"

"No, it's just me!"

"Ugh fine!"


"I love you all have a great day!"

"Have great day!!!"

-You'd continue with looking over scripts, and Tom would bring you snacks

"Darling, I made you a smoothie!"

"Love here, trail mix!"

"Hey, I found some yogurt, here love."

"Can I have ice cream?"

"No, you need to keep your energy and healthiness up!! No ice cream yet!"

-He'd help you get ready for your photoshoot, setting up all the cameras

-would tell you, you look absolutely gorgeous

-have a hard time getting all the poses right

"Babes, the lights in my face."

"I thought it looked cool."



"That camera is on your face."

"Yes, I know, I thought this was the better view"

*grabs pillow, and attacks Tom*


-would so post the pictures

- would go work out for an hour or two while you continued work

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- would go work out for an hour or two while you continued work

- make you lunch

- when he could see you getting too stressed, he'd make you take a break

"Tom, it's fine fifteen more minutes."


"Thomas!!! Fifteen minutes!!"

"Okay, that's it come here"

*scoops you up, and takes you to living room*


"We are going to take a break, watch something, and relax."
"Tom I need to-"

"I'll give you cuddles."


"And ice cream."

"Fine deal."

-would crash your Q&A

"smileyface665 is wondering if we will ever be in a movie together!  Well, Tom and I don't really know yet-"

"Y/N!  Remember? We have the summer romance one- oh frick..."



"Well, there you have it guys Tom and I will be in a summer romance, stay tuned for more!"

"I just can't keep a secret, what can I say guys?"

-when your day was over, you guys would order pizza or take out

-snuggle on the couch

-talk about your day

-have so many laughs

-a pillow fight would probably break out

-eat more ice cream

-and fall asleep in his arms


Hope y'all liked it!! Comment!

Love you all



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