one more weekend - peter parker (revised)

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Pairing - Peter Parker x Reader

Ahh, I thought a Peter Parker one would be cute!! I heard this song on a Peter Parker playlist, and it's such a good song ever.  Maude Latour is amazing, giving me lots of Olivia Rodrigo vibes, but more alternative better, so if you like Olivia, you need to listen to her music!! I really like Furniture, Block Your Number, and Lovesick!!

Warnings - kinda sad, fluff

Summary - a timeline of you and Peter's relationship to the song "One More Weekend"


I fell in love with the way you emphasized your sentences

"Okay BUT if Thanos you know KAPOW! Smashes you through a wall, then what would you do?!" Peter cries, throwing his hands out to his sides, making you giggle, and shake your head.

"Wouldn't you come and save me?" you ask quirking a brow. Peter blushes a bit and nods.

"Yeah, I would swing in like WHEE!! And go, "get yo hands off my woman" and then KAPOW, and punch him!" Peter exclaims, punching the air, and making you burst out laughing. Peter walked over, jumping on top of you.


"I want cuddles!!" he whines, snuggling into you and making you laugh.

I got a crush on the shape of your name in my phone.

"Wanda Nat, get in here!" you cry into the hallway, as they walk past. Wanda raises a brow, as she follows Nat in.

"Hmm?" Nat asks, plopping down next to you as Wanda peers over your shoulder to look at your phone, before giggling.

"Ooh!! Are you and Peter finally official?!" Wanda exclaims, poking you teasingly in the ribs, and you swat her away with a laugh.

"Yeah. I just don't know what to put his contact name in my phone as!" you exclaim, trying to think.

"Thank god, it's been long enough," Nat mumbles, and you whack her on the back of the head.

"Well, don't you two have weird pet names for each other?" she asks. You give a nod, blushing a bit.

"Yeah, baby is just too generic, babes is so boring, and Spider-Boy is too plain," you sigh, chewing on your lip, trying to think of the perfect name.

"Well, it will come to you. I have no idea Vis and I can't even operate those weird phone things," Wanda says, gesturing to your phone with a wave and you chuckle.

"And I am a single woman, I don't need no man," Nat laughs, hopping up from your bed, and heading out.

"Well, I hope you find a good name!" Wanda says, and waves goodbye. You heave a sigh, flopping back onto your bed, running through ideas of names.

"Y/N!!! LOKI DID IT AGAIN!!" you hear Peter scream. Your brows come together, as you sit up.

"Oh gosh, this is hilarious!" Loki exclaims as he had appeared next to you, a camera in hand.

"Jesus Loki, you can't just jump out like that!!" you exclaim, but he just shushes you, as Peter throws open your door. Oh, my gods. He was covered in feathers and honey.

"Y/n!! Loki tricked me!! He told me he was going to give me cookies, so I ran into the kitchen, and then honey split on my head all like SPLAT! And then FLOOF! A ton of DUCK FEATHERS ARE THROWN IN MY FACE!" Peter cries as Loki bursts out laughing, before disappearing into thin air.

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