Where's My Love?(Pt. 3)

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Part 3 of "It's Okay"

I woke up.  Light streaming through the window onto my form on the couch.  I turn my head, to see two beer bottles on the counter, to see one half empty in my hand.  I sigh, looking up at the ceiling.

I suck in a breath.  I didn't want to move, I didn't want to do anything.

I just wanted Y/n.

My skin felt cold without her by me, my heart hurt.  I gulp down the lump in my throat, as I sit up from the couch.  I have a pounding headache, as I grab the bottles and walk into the kitchen.

I grab my phone from the counter, and my eyes go wide.

It was a message from Y/n.  I quickly open my phone, to see it was sent two hours ago.  My heart is pounding as I open the message to see it's a video.  I gulp down my nerves, and stumble my way to the couch.  I take a deep breath and play the message.

Y/n's form pops onto the screen, as she sits on her bed, head in her folded hands. SHe flips her hair up, and looks at the camera.

"Hey Tom.  So, I'm leaving for the trip in just a hourand I just...  Don't know if I wanted to leave something for you I guess!! Um... I'm really sorry.  I feel so, so bad.     But, I'm going to see you in just four months!! We can do it babes!!  Four months is nothing!!  I'll be back just in time for Christmas, okay?  And I got a camera, so I'll take pictures and I can show them to you, and show you all the countries I've traveled and seen!!" she says, trying to smile, but I can tell it's forced.  My heart breaks as I watch her fragile state crumple, as her head falls into her hands.

    "Baby.  What am I doing?  Should I even go?  I... I... I don't want to lose you.  I just love you so  much you know?  And... we almost bleed the same don't we?  Both torn apart because of... my decisions.  I'm so, so sorry Tommy," she sobs into my hands, her shoulders shaking. My heart snaps in half, as my breaths quicken. I just want to pull her into my arms, let her sob into me, let me feel her pain for her.  I didn't want her to cry.  I wanted to keep her safe, and protect her from everything in the world.

    "Please... don't cry," I whisper, wiping stray tears from my eyes, even though I knew she couldn't hear me.  Y/n sucks in a breath.

    "Angie said I'll be on a plane back home December 23, and be at the airport at 4.  So... yeah.  I don't know what you want to do with that info, except planning on picking me up," she says with a light laugh.  She sucks in another breathe as I already start to count down how many months, weeks, days and hours that was.

    "I just... I'm so sorry baby.  A-and... I love you more than anything," she sniffles.  There's a shout, and Y/n gives a small nod to the hidden person.  She turns back to the camera.

    "I-I... I'm sorry again, and I love you so, so much.  See you soon baby," she sniffles, and the camera clicks off.

    I immediately scramble to move my fingers fast to text her back.  I knew she was probably on the plane but any chance that she could see my text, even if she didn't respond.

~Your POV~
    You sniffle back more tears, as you wait in line to put your bags through TSA.  To drop your phone in the box, never to see it for four more months.  You try your hardest to not check your phone to see if Tom texted, but the curiosity gnaws at your stomach.

    You pull out your phone, just as TSA calls you forward, just as it buzzes.  You hurriedly open the text.

    "M'am, we need to get you through," the officer says.  You hold up one hand, while quickly unlocking your phone with the other.

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