The Christmas Trick: Part 2

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Back at it again y'all!!  I hope you really like it!!  I'm sorry if these new parts are posted a little late, I'll be posting one a day depending on how long this goes.  I am working on another big project right now, and then another imagine story!!

Please enjoy, I love you all!

y/f/m = your favorite meal

y/f/c =  your favorite celebrity that isn't Tom lol

You're planning in your head how to make this dinner worse than death for Tom.  You were still fuming you had to share a room with him, as you unpack your things into the dresser.

You walk downstairs, the aroma wafting up to my nose.  You suck in a deep breath, coming down the stairs and into the kitchen.  The kitchen is huge, with a huge granite island with a sink, and a stovetop.  There are back counters along the wall, with stainless steel over, and gray cupboards.

On the left side of the spacious room, is a shiny wooden dining room table, with six chairs around it.

"What is that smell?" you exclaim, taking a seat on a bar stool as you watch Nikki cook.  She laughs.

"It's y/f/m(alfredo for me!), Tom told me you like it!" Nikki smiles.  You blush.  How did Tom even know?  That was so swee-

Wait, no!! You were mad at Tom.  You scanned the room for him, and see him playing cards with his brothers.

You put on your act and sashay over there.

"What are you playing love?" you coo, your voice dripping sticky sweet.  You wrap your arms around his neck and lay your head on his shoulder.  You can visibly see his face go red, and you try to not snicker.

"Uno," he replies, with an obvious struggle to get the words out.  You could tell how flustered he was by your presence, you being so close to him.  You smirk.

"Awesome you're so good at that game!  I'm gonna go help your mom, love you!" you exclaim, planting a kiss on his cheek.

Holy heck, what the heck was she doing?!

My skin burned where Y/N kissed me.  I was dazed.  What was that?  My thoughts were running faster and faster.

She kissed me.  Her hands around my neck, her whisper in my ear.  I still had goosebumps all over my skin, trying to slow my pounding heart.  it could be real.  Maybe she did like me.  Maybe she did but was just hiding it like me.

My thoughts were running fast, but then I mentally facepalmed.  She didn't like me.  She hated me.  After I made that horrible comment about her... how could she ever like me again?

"Tom, you good?" Harry asks.  I give a nod, even though I wasn't okay, and my heart was still pounding.

"Does everything look good?" Nikki asks me as you sit next to Tom.  You give her a nod and smile.

"Thank you so much, Mrs.  Holland, you didn't have to do this!" you cry, surveying the dinner.  Y/f/m sat in the middle of the table, making your mouth water, and looking perfect.  There was sparkling bubbly, and champagne, along with a pile of buttery rolls, and a delicious looking salad.

"Okay let's eat!" Dom exclaims.  The food is passed around, and you take a good helping of y/f/m, and rolls.  You choose some champagne, cause why not?  This stuff had to be the most expensive in the world, by the look of the bottle.

"Dom Perignon Rose, picked it up when we were in Philippines.   It dates all the way back to 1995," Dom explains, pouring me a glass.  You were in shock.  They were wasting a bottle of wine probably worth more money than you make in a year, on someone like you.

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