school days - peter parker special (remastered)

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I had a really good idea for a Peter Parker x Reader, and I thought why not? Tell me if you guys like this, and if I should do more!!

Pairing - Peter Parker x Reader

Warnings - angst, fluff

Summary - it's your first day at high school after being homeschooled most of your life, and your amazing boyfriend Peter helps you through it all

Some backstory. You and Peter have been dating for about a year, and you're a super sweet, bubbly girl (in this story lol) and are quite clingy, but Peter actually enjoys having you around all the time... cause his only friends are Ned and MJ and Ned just wants to make legos, and MJ just likes to yell at him for being short so.... yeah...

Also, we don't like Liz and her friends they're the popular mean girls.

*not edited


You feel a tickle against your rib cage, and roll over with a yawn.

"Hey, baby. We gotta get up." You furrow your brows and open your eyes to see Peter looking down on you. You smile a bit, as his fingers trace circles on your shoulder.

"Hmm?" you hum, running your fingers through his hair. He smiles, before tucking his head under your chin, and you wrap your arms securely around him.

"We have your first day of school today," Peter yawns, and your eyes light up.

Being the daughter of Tony Stark was hard. And being the girlfriend of Spider-Man could be even harder. Sixteen years old, and you'd been homeschooled your whole life. Your dad used the excuse "I don't want you getting a lot of negative attention!" And it was great. You were best friends with all the Avengers and had a blast just being a kid. You were extremely smart for your age, and homeschooling just wasn't enough anymore.

But of course, Stark needed convincing. He didn't want you going into a big school all alone, not knowing anything or anyone.

That was until Peter Parker came along. It was quite simple really. Stark trusted him enough to show you around the school, and make sure you were okay. That was until you started dating... but that's another story for another time, cause today was your first day of high school.

"Hurry, get up, get up!!" you cry, jumping out of bed and shaking Peter. He groans, grabbing a pillow and smashing it into his face.

You race around the room, grabbing your first day of school outfit, before rushing to the bathroom.

An hour later, after being showered, dressed, and makeup on you head downstairs.

"Well, well look at you big junior!" Nat smiles, examining your outfit. You wore a y/f color sweater, with a black collared shirt under it with a black skirt (or other bottoms if you aren't one for skirts).

"Good morning Nat!" you smile, hopping onto the counter.

"Hello there Y/n. Pancakes or waffles?" Vision asks, adding a pancake to the stack.

"(Whichever one you like) please!" you smile. Vision gives you a smile back, giving you two. You pile on your toppings, when Peter comes in.

"Peter!" you exclaim happily, jumping off the counter and running over to him. You jump into his arms, and he laughs, wrapping his own arms tightly around you.

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