"I'm Fine"~

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Pairing - Tom Holland X Reader

Warnings - anxiety, fluff, Tom being freakin' adorable

Summary - you try to tell Tom you're fine, but he knows you're not.

Based off the new song by Ashe "I'm Fine"


~Your POV~
Your alarm buzzes and you groan.  You look over at the clock to see it's 5:30.  You really needed to quit this dumb job.  But it paid your bills, so that's what mattered.  You climb out of bed, and get ready for the day, before heading down stairs.

You pour your coffee when your phone buzzes.  You see the screen, and smile a bit to see it was your boyfriend Tom.  You answer it, and see his smiling face.

"Goood morning beautiful!!" he smiles brightly, and you can see him prop his phone up on the dash of his car.

"Where are you going?" you ask, grabbing the sugar.

"I was going to- Y/N THAT'S SALT!!!" Tom exclaims, and you scream, jumping, and dropping the salt.  It spills onto the counter.

"Oh gosh!!" you cry at the mess, and Tom chuckles.

"I'll grab you a coffee, and come pick you up okay love?" he says.  You smile at him as you sweep the salt into the garbage with your hand.

"You sure?" you ask, dumping your coffee in your sink.  Tom laughs and nods.

"Of course darling.  See you in fifteen, okay?" he says.  You give a nod, blowing him a kiss before hanging up.

You heave a sigh, packing your bag up for work, when your door bell rings.

"Come in!!" you yell, shoving your laptop into your bag, before scanning your living room for anything else you might need.

"Hello love!!" Tom calls, and you turn to smile at him.  He smiles back, pulling you into a hug, and planting a kiss on your head.

"How's my girl?" Tom asks, setting your drink, and his tea on the table, before inspecting you at an arms length.  You chuckle a bit, pulling him closer to you can run fingers through his hair, which always somehow calmed you down.  He smiles at you.

"I'm tired, but good other than that," you yawn, planting a quick kiss on his lips, before going over to your drink.  You take a sip, humming in delight.  

"Okay, you got work, and I got an interview, let's bounce," he says, grabbing his tea, and slipping his hand into yours.

You guys hurry out to his car.  He opens the door for you, before going to the other side.  You hurry, but trip on a crack in the sidewalk.

"AHH!" you cry, falling foreward, and spilling your water all over the passenger seat.  Your jaw drops and your eyes go wide.

"Oh my gosh, Tom, I'm so, so, so sorry, oh my gosh oh my gosh!!" you cry, setting your coffee in the cup holder, and your bag on the floor.  Tom hurries out of the car.

"Darling, it's okay, hey chill out," he says, trying to pull you into his arms, but you're pacing.

"Oh gosh, what am I going to do?  I can pay for it to get fixed, clean it with a towel  for now and ugh!! I'm going to be late for work!!" you cry, dropping to the ground, and leaning against his car.

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