Imagine: Tom While You're Taking A Shower

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Pairing- Tom X Reader

Warning- NO THIS DOESN'T GET SEXY. Gosh y'all got some dirty minds, tsk, tsk.  Lots of fluff lol love y'all


- you'd tell him you're getting in the shower and he'd protest.

"Darling, noooo! I wanna cuddle you!"

"Thomas!! I am getting in the freakin' shower leave me alone!"

"But lovvveee I wanna cuddle-"


"I wuv you."

"... I love you too."

- he literally would have no idea what to do

-walk around the house in circles

-count the tiles on the floor

-eat Doritos

-after getting bored, he'd go and sit by the door and listen to you sing.

-even if you're bad he'd love it

-he'd have your playlist memorized knowing what the last few songs were

- so he'd sneak into the bathroom to steal your towel

-and proceed to put it in the dryer to warm it up for you

- he'd get bored again and sneak into the bathroom

-he'd ask if he could join you

-and you'd smirk

"Yes, I need a John Travolta for "You're the One That I Want!"

"YES PERFECT I'll get my microphone! *grabs a hairbrush*

- you guys would have a full blown reenactment of Grease.

-you'd ask where your towel was

"Tom, did you steal my towel?"

"Oh yeah!! I put it in the dryer for you!!"

- he'd go grab it, and give it to you.

- he'd make you your favorite food and drink, and get a show ready for you

- then he'd cuddle you on the couch, loving the smell of your hair.

- and it'd just be cute

-and now I feel single again... yay?

Tom Holland ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now